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How has COVID-19 affected data quality in the agriculture sector? Highlights on a recent e-Panel
An e-Panel, co-hosted by AVANTI and EvalForward, set out to explore this question. Our panellists, Armand Zoa, Joas Tugizimana and Tim Njagi,...
Leveraging high-performing agents to deliver customer value
Throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, innovation is transforming how people conduct financial transactions and live their lives.
Adaptive programming for global health security programmes
Lessons from the Public Health England International Health Regulations Strengthening Project
Itad at SEEP 2020: Disruptive collaboration
Join us for the SEEP Annual Conference, which will be taking place entirely online this year. The 2020 conference theme is ‘Disruptive...
Can innovation prizes improve lives for the poorest?
After six years, the UKAid-funded Ideas to Impact programme has come to an end, yielding an impressive amount of lessons on how innovation...
Rising to the challenge: How to get the best value from using prizes to drive innovation for development
An innovation inducement prize enables funders to pursue development goals without them having to know in advance which approaches or...
Evaluating the results of innovation prizes for development: reflections and recommendations from practice
The incidence of using prizes (of any kind) to achieve social and development goals is increasing (Evanoff, 2018). And yet there is a dearth of...
Evaluating the value for money of Ideas to Impact’s innovation inducement prizes
From 2014 to 2019, the Ideas to Impact (I2I) action-research programme has been designing, implementing and testing a series of innovation...
Development of key performance indicators – Final Report
BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) spends part of the overseas aid budget on research and innovation through two...
Research for Development indicators: A review of funder practice
The Newton Fund and the GCRF are managed by BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) to promote research and innovation...
Mobilising private finance into low-carbon markets: Insights from the UK’s International Climate Finance
To tackle the global climate crisis and achieve a worldwide low-carbon transition, it will be essential to stimulate the growth of...
Remote training for contraceptive service delivery – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #1
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the capacity of organisations to train health providers, jeopardising their ability to maintain...
Recovering better from COVID-19: Lessons from WASH and protracted crises
Globally, people living in protracted crises represent the ‘last mile’ in terms of reaching the SDGs — they are the most vulnerable and...
Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crises, 2014–19
This Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crisis (WiPC) is the first UNICEF global thematic evaluation focusing...
Designing effective verification systems for Payment by Results contracts
New series of publications shares practical guidance for third-party verification services based on learning from the WASH Results Programme.
Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Final Report
International Climate Finance (ICF) is a core component of the United Kingdom’s contribution to developed countries’ shared goal of...
Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Technical Report
The United Kingdom (UK) is firmly committed, alongside other developed countries, to contribute to the mobilisation of US$100 billion of public...
Executive Summary: Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects – Compass PE2 Final Report
This is the executive summary of the Compass PE2 final report 'Mobilising private finance through demonstration effects'.
Webinar to share insights on savings and retail banking in Africa
An upcoming webinar, taking place on 11 August and hosted by the SEEP Network and the Mastercard Savings Learning Lab, will present insights from...
Savings Groups in Graduation Programs: A Pathway to Inclusive Markets
This paper explores the linkage of graduation participants with markets and value chains as well as the role that Savings Groups play in the...
Balancing the UK’s development objectives and national interest: Three lessons for the FCO/DFID merger
There has been wide-ranging debate over the last weeks about the UK Government announcement to merge DFID and FCO into the new FCDO. One concern...
MSD in disrupted markets: Important lessons from Nepal
Evaluating NMDP-Samarth (Nepal Market Development Programme-Samarth) - Nepal's first MSD (market systems development) programme
Measuring political access and influence in fragile and conflict-affected settings
Understanding political context and the influence of political interests is critical in delivering national and development objectives. This is...
Evaluation of the second phase of the Energy, Security and Resource Efficiency in Somaliland programme
Access to clean and affordable energy remains a barrier to economic development in Somaliland where energy consumption per capita is the lowest...