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Evaluation of a climate-smart business programme

Itad has been commissioned by the Good Energies Foundation to evaluate a multi-year programme focused on incubating climate-smart business to...


Monitoring and Evaluation of Denmark-Myanmar Country Programme

Since 2011, Denmark has steadily expanded its diplomatic, political, commercial and development cooperation with Myanmar, leading to Myanmar...


Evaluation of UNICEF’s coverage and quality in complex humanitarian situations

Delivering humanitarian assistance in complex humanitarian situations is extremely challenging due to the multi-dimensional nature of these...


Evaluation and Costing of the Pilot Project on Prevention of Adolescent Suicide in Kyzylorda Oblast, Kazakhstan

Itad has been selected by UNICEF to conduct a summative evaluation of this adolescent suicide prevention (ASP) pilot.


Strengthening Citizen’s Resistance against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C)

DFID is supporting Nigeria’s anti-corruption effort by ensuring stronger incentives not to loot government resources and changing public...


Summative evaluation of DFID’s Caribbean anti-corruption programming

DFID has been supporting anti-corruption programming in the Caribbean since 2009. The current programme, the Caribbean Anti-Corruption Programme...


Strategic Evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Support for Enhanced Resilience

Resilience is of growing importance globally (as highlighted in the June 2017 Report of the UN Secretary-General) and is seen as a key concept in...


Impact Evaluation of the SADA Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana Annex C: Endline Reality Check Approach

The endline Reality Check Approach (RCA) was conducted as the last of the monitoring and evaluation elements of the Independent Impact Evaluation...


Evaluation of The Hewlett Foundation’s Strategy to Apply Human-Centred Design to Improve Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Since 2013, the Hewlett Foundation (the Foundation) has supported and Marie Stopes International (MSI) to apply Human-Centred Design...


Review of Rural Roads Maintenance Planning in Nepal

This report by the independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of the Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP3) presents a review of...


The impact of cash-for-works: evidence from the Rural Access Programme in the mid and far west of Nepal

RAP's primary objective is to deliver economic benefits to poor and isolated communities over the long term through improved rural road...


Attitudes, practices and social norms survey Endline Report

This report presents the endline results of the Voices for Change Attitudes, Practices and Social Norms survey.


Learning Partnership on the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

The Forest Investment Program (FIP), a program under the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), provides indispensable investments to benefit forests,...


Review of BBC Media Action in Libya, Tunisia and Algeria

Itad has been contracted by the FCO-DFID North Africa Joint Unit to conduct a review of BBC Media Action in Libya, Tunisia and Algeria.


Ideas to Impact, LPG Cylinder Prize: Evaluation Report Summary

The Cylinder Prize ran for two months from July 2015 and was one of three prizes designed to support the planned reform of Liquid Petroleum Gas...


Ideas to Impact, LPG Cylinder Prize: Evaluation Report

The Cylinder Prize ran for two months from July 2015 and was one of three prizes designed to support the planned reform of Liquid Petroleum Gas...


What works for social accountability? Findings from DFID’s macro evaluation

I wrote my first blog on DFID’s macro evaluation of its empowerment and accountability project portfolio way back in 2015, at the end of the...


Education Sector Budget Support Evaluation Programme in Zambia

From 2013 to 2016, the UK will support the improvement of education quality and participation of girls in the education system in Zambia through...


What role will China play in global health and how will we work together?

China has historically been a recipient of development assistance and funding, but this is changing with the country’s economic development,...


Evaluation of DFID-CHAI market-shaping for access to safe, effective and affordable health commodities

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned an independent evaluation of its £35m programme of support to the Clinton...


Three lessons from the 2017 UK Evaluation Society Conference

Itad was well represented at this years’ UK Evaluation Society (UKES) conference


Impact evaluations for market systems programmes

These BEAM Exchange guidelines set out the key steps and considerations for designing, planning and undertaking the evaluation of a programme or...


The Global Fund’s 2017 Strategic Review

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) was created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the world’s money in...


UNICEF Programming in Health Systems Strengthening – A Formative Evaluation

There is currently widespread recognition that the goal of improved health for all people cannot be achieved without stronger health systems....