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Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Programme for Results: independent verification, evidence, and learning

An evidence gap map on ‘what works’ to ensure persons with disabilities have access to sexual reproductive health services in low and...


Evaluation design contest brings success for Itad’s research analysts

As part of gLocal Evaluation Week, two research analysts from Itad took part in an Evaluation Design competition for young and emerging...


Looking ahead: Opportunities for the Global Partnership for Education

Delivering on the promise of quality education for all is more urgent and challenging than it ever has been. As we enter the final decade of...


E-panel on adapting M&E during and after COVID-19 to feature Itad expert

Itad Principal Consultant Abdulkareem Lawal will speak on an e-panel hosted by ActionAid Nigeria on ‘Adapting Monitoring and Evaluation during...


Journal article shares findings of China-UK Global Health Support Programme evaluation

Findings of the evaluation of the China-UK Global Health Support Programme (GHSP) are shared in a new journal article co-authored by Itad Partner...


As global health players pivot to COVID-19 responses, we need coordinated, real-time, formative evaluations

An estimated $15.9 trillion has been mobilised to respond to the health and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of this has gone to...


Conflict and coronavirus: What the pandemic means in fragile settings

While all of us at Itad grapple with the impacts of COVID-19 on the countries where we work, for those of us working on conflict, security and...

Knowledge product

The sanitation challenge for Ghana: Making urban sanitation a political priority – Summary

This summary describes what I2I learned about the value of using prizes to influence the policy environment for liquid waste management (LWM) in...


The sanitation challenge for Ghana: Making urban sanitation a political priority – Brief

The Sanitation Challenge for Ghana was a competition that ran in Ghana between 2015 and 2019 to encourage local governments – Metropolitan,...


Sanitation challenge for Ghana Dignified City Award (Stage 2) – Final evaluation report

This summary describes what I2I learned about the value of using prizes to influence the policy environment for liquid waste management (LWM) in...


New GRP reports on learning from failure and scaling innovations published

Learning from failure and scaling resilience innovations are the focus of two new case study reports sharing learning and insights from the GRP...


E-panel on the future of project implementation to feature Itad US Director

Stefanie Wallach, Associate Partner and US Director at Itad, will speak on an e-panel hosted by SID Washington (Society for International...


Answering questions on the WASH Results Evaluation

Over 180 people from NGOs, funding agencies and research organisations around the world with an interest in WASH and Payment by Results...


E-panel to share DFID WASH Results Programme evaluation findings

On 15 May 2020 an e-panel featuring Itad’s Katharina Welle will share the findings of the DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Results...


A360 webinar now online

On April 30th 2020, the Adolescents 360 evaluation team hosted a webinar to share 2019 process evaluation findings from Northern and Southern...


Learning from failure to accelerate success in resilience-building initiatives

The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) is a partnership of public and private organisations joining forces towards a resilient, sustainable and...


An incubator approach to scaling effective resilience solutions

The Global Resilience Partnership has supported three challenge rounds to surface innovative resilience solutions, and has established an...


Remote workshop facilitation: Lessons from lockdown

A central part of our work here at Itad is facilitating workshops and creative thinking of all kinds. From putting together theories of change,...


The Verification Cycle: Step by Step

Lessons learned from verifying the DFID WASH Results Programme Verification in Practice #1


Appraising Monitoring Systems

Lessons learned from verifying the DFID WASH Results Programme Verification in Practice #2


What makes a good indicator for a Payment by Results programme?

Lessons learned from verifying the DFID WASH Results Programme Verification in Practice #3


Lessons from an effective verification system – DFID Payment by Results Guidance Note

Produced by e-Pact, the Monitoring and Verification Team, for the DFID WASH Results Programme.


Nepal Rural Access Programme – CONNECT Component Review

CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest-standing and largest Department for...


Nepal Rural Access Programme – CONNECT Review (Phase 1)

CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest-standing and largest DFID programmes in...