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Year 3 Evaluation of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development

Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (‘Pacific Women’) aimed to improve the political, social and economic opportunities for women in...


Webinar on measuring VfM in BER Programmes

In September 2016, we convened our first webinar for the Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF) to share lessons learnt on measuring Value...


Evidence and evaluation: What’s the Use?

Guest blogger Teresa Hanley asks 'what's the use of evidence and evaluation?' after her session at EES2016.


Demonstrating VfM within an M4P programme

Over the last 12 months, Itad has been developing a Value for Money (VfM) system for the Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia (PEPE), a private...


Global Resilience Partnership: Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation

Itad has been engaged by Global Resilience Partner as a Learning Partner in the Impact Unit to design and deliver a MEL system for the programme.


The role of capacity assessment in ensuring contextually appropriate capacity support

This blog looks at the role of capacity assessments in ensuring contextually appropriate capacity support.


Final evaluation report of the Tilitonse Fund, Malawi

Tilitonse is a multi-donor fund that has been designed to develop and encourage civil engagement in Malawi, to support more accountable,...


Independent Evaluation of the Programme for the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Kenya

Itad is a consortium member delivering the evaluation of the programme to reduce maternal & neonatal deaths in Kenya over a period of three years.


Nepal Rural Access Programme – Reality Check Approach Midline Report 2016

This report presents the main findings of the Midline Reality Check Approach (RCA) study conducted in April 2016, two years after the baseline...


Evaluation of CIFF’s work on improving air quality in China

Itad has started work on an evaluation of two CIFF-funded programmes in China which aim to accelerate the adoption of new climate-smart norms in...


The Quality of Reviews and Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation

With growing demand for evidence on the effectiveness of Norwegian aid, reviews and decentralised evaluations play an important role in telling...


Evaluation of UNICEF’s PMTCT/paediatric AIDS programme

Itad has been contracted to evaluate UNICEF’s efforts to support scale up of PMTCT of HIV & Paediatric HIV care and treatment programs over the...


Fifth IHP+ Monitoring Round – Country Assessments

IHP+ is a group of 65 partners committed to improving the health of citizens in developing countries by putting the principles of Effective...


Itad’s Realist Evaluation week – Three Lessons from the BRACED session

Dave Wilson reflects on three key lessons the BRACED evaluation team learnt with Gill Westhorp during Itad's Realist Evaluation week.


Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA), Policy Briefing 1

This policy briefing of Itad's evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Allicance gives an overview of the methods, findings, challenges &...


Evaluation of Adolescents 360

Adolescents 360 (A360) was a four-year initiative (2016 – 2020) to increase adolescent girls’ access to and demand for modern contraception...


Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) Evaluation, Final Report

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess MeTA’s underlying rationale to provide lessons for future programming of interventions.


A Value for Money (VfM) Analysis for RAP 3

The Value for Money (VFM) analysis of RAP is one-off review assessing what is driving costs and to ensure that the programme is providing the...


Rapid Perception Survey on “Bikash ko Bato” – A joint RAP and MEL report

RAP 3's communication strategy included the “10 RAP Principles – that guide all activities and communications”. It also aimed to reach out...


Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE)

Itad is a member of the ODI-led consortium that has been contracted to lead the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence programme (GAGE)


A Ridiculously Short Introduction to Monitoring & Evaluation for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Market Systems Development*

Itad's Jessica Rust-Smith explores how to evaluate women's economic empowerment within a market systems programme.


Meta-Evaluation of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development’s Decentralized Evaluations

Itad has been commissioned to deliver a meta-evaluation of decentralized evaluations undertaken by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs,...


What has DFID funded in the area of Empowerment and Accountability and Gender equality?

The answer is not as straightforward as you may think. We had to figure it out whilst working on two evaluations for DFID, one of its gender...


Retrospective Impact Assessment of the Financial Sector Deepening Trust of Tanzania

Itad, in collaboration with our partner MicroSave, will be conducting an evaluation to assess the impact that the Financial Services Deepening...