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Learning Partner for the Financial Sector Deepening Trust, Tanzania
The Financial Sector Deepening Trust in Tanzania (FSDT) adopts a market development approach towards addressing systemic constraints in the...
COVID-19 and sexual and reproductive health: Lessons from Zika and Ebola
The need to rapidly learn from previous experience and evidence on sexual and reproductive health in epidemics is now an urgent task. Members of...
Pippa Page Lowe
Pippa Page Lowe is a consultant at Itad. She is experienced in health programme coordination, research and analysis.
GPE Country-level Evaluations – Final Synthesis Report
This report draws upon the summative and prospective evaluation reports for the 28 partner countries in the CLE (country-level evaluation) sample...
Education in the time of COVID-19: Learning for a resilient future
The latest data from UNESCO shows that over 1.5 billion learners have been affected by restrictions imposed due to COVID-19.
Learning from evaluating Caribbean anti-corruption agencies published in journal article
A new journal article sharing learning from two Itad evaluations of a UK DFID anti-corruption programme in the Caribbean has been published by...
Developing indicators for the UK’s aid spend on research and innovation (GCRF and Newton Fund)
BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) spends part of the overseas aid budget on research and innovation through two...
From privilege to right: Why we need access to water for all
For World Water Day, we asked our WASH team to share their thoughts on why access to water for all is essential and what the challenges are...
Adapting to adaptive programming
I find that my natural scepticism is occasionally interpreted as me being cynical. And a cynic might ask what the difference is. Nevertheless, I...
2016-17 global leap off-grid refrigerator competition (round 1) – Follow-up review
The 2016-17 Global LEAP Off-Grid Refrigerator Competition (Round 1) aimed to transform the global market for off-grid refrigerators by...
Itad response to COVID-19
The WHO (World Health Organisation) has now declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and called for urgent global action. In response, Itad is...
Reality bites: Lessons from five years of realist evaluation at Itad
It’s been over five years since Itad hurtled head-first into the fascinating world of realist evaluation. Since setting up a Realist Evaluation...
Savings evidence map synthesis report summary: 2021 update
Itad has developed the evidence map presented in this document as part of the Mastercard Foundation Savings Learning Lab.
Savings evidence map synthesis report: 2021 update
Itad has developed the evidence map presented in this document as part of the Mastercard Foundation Savings Learning Lab.
Ethics in evaluation: Why it is important
Ethics and safeguarding are increasingly at the centre of evaluation practice. Following the 2019 publication of DFID’s ‘Ethical guidance for...
Five things about Itad’s learning culture
Itad's Learning and Development Lead, Rachel Conway, reflects on our organisational learning culture after six months in the job.
GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Democratic Republic of Congo – Year 2
The purpose of the prospective evaluations is to assess whether GPE’s inputs and influence are orienting education sector planning,...
Savings Groups and Social Protection: Graduation from Safety Nets
In 2019, SEEP convened a Peer Learning Group (PLG) comprised of both government and civil society social protection programs to explore the Role...
Evaluation of the Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel Programme
Poor and vulnerable people face increased shocks and stresses to their livelihoods. These can be global, such as financial crisis, or localised,...
Centre for Development Impact
The Centre for Development Impact (CDI) contributes to learning and innovation in the field of impact evaluation, through the use of appropriate,...
Global Fund Advocacy Portfolio Level Assessment
The Global Fund partnership mobilises and invests more than US$4 billion a year to support programmes run by local experts in more than 100...
Evaluation of the Dutch Development Finance Institution – FMO
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are government-backed institutions that invest returnable capital into the private sector in low-income...
Evaluation of Sida’s strategic partnership for humanitarian assistance
Sida works with strategic partners worldwide, including UN agencies and non-governmental organisations, to deliver humanitarian assistance. Each...
Measurement and evaluation framework for the Estée Lauder Companies’ philanthropic partnerships
The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) funds a range of philanthropic programmes globally to improve the wellbeing of people and communities, with an...