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Plan UK, Independent Progress Review of DFID PPA Funding – Building Skills for Life ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education’
Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Plan UK to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the 2011-2014 grant period.
Annual Review of DFID Support to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
Itad reviewed DFID support to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) from March 2011 to February 2012.
Monitoring and Evaluation Support to the Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund
Itad is supporting the Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund management team by ensuring effective M&E systems are in place and in use.
Comic Relief, Study on Costs of Measuring Effectiveness
Itad conducted a study to gain a better understanding of the key elements of effective and appropriate MEL systems for different types & sizes of...
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme
Itad is working in partnership with Triple Line Consulting to evaluate the implementation of DFID's Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme.
Review of the CARE International’s Climate Change Strategic Plan
Itad was commissioned by CARE to undertake a review of their organisation-wide climate change sector strategy - the Climate Change Strategic Plan...
Bond, Value for Money Background Paper for NGOs
Itad researched and produced a briefing paper for Bond members, on Value For Money for UK NGOs working in international development.
Strategic support to the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Research Programme
Itad designed a reporting and monitoring system, to improve the quality of information available to the funders & Directorate of the ESPA...
CDKN knowledge services multi-year evaluation and impact assessment
Itad was contracted in 2011 and 2012 by the CDKN to assist them with M&E and impact assessment across a range of knowledge services, products &...
DFID, Evidence Review: Environmental Innovation Prizes for Development (Stimulating Innovation in Low Carbon & Adaptation Technologies)
Itad provided methodological and peer review support to this research study which contributed to a DFID Business Case establishing a prize.
Logframe advice to SciDev.Net
Itad provided advisory support to SciDev.Net to help them develop a logframe to submit to DFID for a grant extension.
Climate finance – assisting the EC with Measuring, Reporting and Verifying (MRV)
Itad supported EC Climate Action to provide a detailed mapping of existing EU and member states' flows for the support of developing countries'...
Improving Donor Support to Domestic Accountability, OECD
Itad assisted GOVNET to implement its workplan of activities to improve the effectiveness of donor support to democratic governance in developing...
Joint learning programme on pro poor growth
Train4Dev, and POVNET contracted the ODI and Itad to design and deliver a joint learning programme on pro poor growth.
Review of the Mobilising Knowledge for Development programme
Itad formed a small team of evaluation, research communications and knowledge management specialists to conduct a review and an in-depth evaluation.
Support to DFID in Responding to the International Development Committee
Itad worked with DFID to produce a Memorandum which constituted DFID's written evidence at the International Development Committee (IDC).
How to Note on ICTs in Data Collection
Itad provided services to DFID under the ICD (Information and Communications for Development) framework to create a How To Note in Data Collection.
Global Evaluation for the International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Itad led an evaluation on the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, for interested donors to inform their decisions about possible future funding.
Evaluation of WHO-DFID Partnership
Itad was contracted by DFID to undertake the evaluation of WHO-DFID partnership. The evaluation assessed the causal linkages between DFID and the...
Measuring Value for Money in DFID: Review of the VFM Indicator in DFID’s Public Service Agreement
Itad was contracted by DFID to produce a paper reviewing Value For Money indicators.
Evaluation of Research Dissemination, DFID
Itad was contracted by DFID to design and implement an evaluation of research dissemination activities.