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Showing 553 - 576 of 1461 results

Evaluation of the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Fund (K-CEP)

Itad has been commissioned to help develop a better understanding of K-CEP’s role in promoting energy efficiency in the cooling sector. Running...


Adaptive Approaches and Conflict Sensitivity in fragile, conflict and violence-affected (FCVAS) settings – a comparison of approaches

The need to be flexible and adaptive in FCVAS has received attention for nearly two decades under the concept of conflict sensitivity, a concept...


Women’s Integrated Sexual Health Programme (WISH) Third Party Monitoring

Itad, together with OPM, has been selected by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to lead on evidence generation and learning...


60 seconds with…Itad’s Inclusive and Sustainable Business theme

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick rundown of what our staff do here at Itad. To celebrate their launch,...


Global Fund, Thematic Review of In-Country Programmatic Assurance

Itad led a consortia, in association with Euro Health Group, to deliver the review with a team of experts in designing, monitoring and evaluating...


From compliance to love with MEL: Supporting busy advocacy organisations to embrace monitoring, evaluation and learning

Over the course of our work with advocacy organisations, we’ve identified three insights about how to cross the divide from MEL being about...


Evaluation of Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE)

Itad, in partnership with BOP consulting, is leading the evaluation of an ambitious, two-year pilot programme from the British Council,...


Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programming in Protracted Crises, 2014-2019 

The average humanitarian crisis, which requires a UN-coordinated response, lasts more than nine years. Vulnerability in such contexts increases...


Itad’s Green Team: Can we mainstream environmental sustainability into our work?

As efforts increase around the world to combat climate change, you can read our latest blog from Itad's own Green Team, who discuss whether we...


Evaluation, Learning, and Verification for Agency Reform (ELVAR)

DFID’s 2014 Strategy for Payment by Results states that the department will use PBR to improve the value for money of their development...


2019 Annual Review and 2020 Project Completion Report/Impact Review of the Rwanda Multi-Donor Civil Society Support Programme

Itad is reviewing MDCSSP - a programme contributing to improved governance in Rwanda, primarily focused on making governance more accountable,...


Reflections from Development Studies Association Conference 2019

Itad's Ekaterina Shaleva reflects on her recent trip to the DSA conference and recent thinking on logframes and their utility in accountability...


Evaluation of Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: Summative Phase Two

The Department for International Development (DFID) invested £54.6 million into a humanitarian innovation and evidence programme which began in...


Executive Summary: Evaluation of Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: Summative Phase Two

The Department for International Development (DFID) invested £54.6 million into a humanitarian innovation and evidence programme which began in...


Helio Liumba

Senior Project Officer

Helio Liumba is a Senior Project Officer at Itad with 11 years’ experience in project delivery and contracts management.


A360 MTR Spotlight 3: Meaningful Youth Engagement

This brief draws out lessons from the Mid-Term Review on the role of youth engagement in A360. Despite attempts to standardize youth engagement...


A360 MTR Spotlight 4: Service providers – the battle to serve

This brief draws out lessons from the Mid-Term Review on the challenges service providers face in delivering quality contraceptive services to girls.


A360 MTR Spotlight 1: Lessons from evaluating A360

This brief draws out lessons from the A360 Mid-Term Review, on evaluating a program developed through human-centred design.


A360 MTR Spotlight 2: The A360 experience of Human Centered Design

Adolescents 360 (A360) is a four-year, $30 million initiative (2016 – 2020) to increase adolescent girls’ access to and demand for modern...


Adaptive Programming in Fragile, Conflict and Violence-Affected Settings. What Works and Under What Conditions? The Case of Institutions for Inclusive Development, Tanzania

Adaptive Management involves a dynamic interaction between three elements: delivery, programming and governance. This case study focuses on a...

Knowledge product

Learning from mapping MLE capacity for advocacy

This learning paper pulls together our thinking and provides simple lessons for MEL partners and funders on how to support advocacy grantees to...


The complex reality of evaluation independence

An article in the Guardian got us thinking about the importance of independence in evaluation, and what ‘independence’ means, beyond a black...


Savings for youth: a review of evidence

This report is based on an in-depth review of 44 studies that examine the effects of a range of youth savings initiatives. The definition of...


Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to governance and national planning

This evaluation, planned under UN Women’s corporate evaluation plan1, focuses on UN Women’s contribution to Governance and National Planning...