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Why funders need to practice adaptive portfolio management to support systems change
Much like traditional investors, development funders often manage portfolios of investments. But what does it mean to manage a portfolio, rather...
First GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation reports published
The first set of annual country reports for our prospective evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) have been published.
Portfolio evaluation of advocates working in the global health research and development space
Research and development for global health is a broad sphere of activities that addresses some of the most neglected areas of global public...
Podcast: Learning from evaluating HCD field work
Itad's Stefanie Wallach joined Tiffany Franke on the Adolescents Insights group podcast series (made for the HCD Exchange) to reflect on our...
60 seconds with…Fergal Turner
Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Fergal had to say…
Technical Review of Learning Targets Approach for Highly Marginalised Girls
The Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) was launched by the UK in 2012 as a 12-year commitment to reach the most marginalised girls in the world...
New lessons from Mastercard Foundation Savings Learning Lab partners
Partners from the Mastercard Foundation Savings Learning Lab have recently shared lessons from their work in financial inclusion and savings groups.
Strategic Evaluation of WFP Support for Enhanced Resilience
Itad's strategic evaluation provides a formative and forward-looking assessment of WFP’s support for enhanced resilience. Its purpose is...
Itad to discuss Global Mine Action Programme evaluation
Itad’s Tom Gillhespy will be at the 22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN) in Geneva...
Evaluating transformational change in global programmes that tackle climate change
In this Itad blog, partner Sam McPherson reflects on his trip to the Noor Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power Plant for CIF's “Power of 10:...
Does adaptive programming work in fragile contexts, and why? The case of PERL in Nigeria
We’ve just published a case study based on a fascinating week in Nigeria last summer, exploring what ‘adaptive programming’ looks like in...
Adaptive Programming in Fragile, Conflict and Violence-Affected Settings – What works and under what conditions? The Case of PERL, Nigeria
This case study focuses on PERL (Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn) in Nigeria and draws on a conceptual framework (the ‘adaptive...
Sarah Lamb
Sarah Lamb is a Senior Project Officer at Itad with over five years’ experience in project management in the international development sector.
Changing a Theory of Change: six important lessons from our work with iDSI
In this Itad blog, Laura Hopkins and Stefanie Wallach explore six lessons we've learnt when it comes to changing a theory of change through our...
Evaluating CIF’s contribution to transformational change – new report launched
Itad conducted an independent evaluation of the transformational change that has been supported by CIF, and our Transformational Change Report...
Evaluation of Transformational Change in the Climate Investment Funds
This report provides the results of an independent evaluation of the transformational change that has been supported by the CIF (Climate...
Handbook on Measuring Equity in Education
Our Education Lead, Rachel Outhred, has co-authored a chapter in the UNESCO Institute of Statistic’s recent handbook on measuring equity in...
Adolescents 360 Evaluation: What do service providers think about contraceptive service provision to 15–19 year old girls in Nigeria?
What are service providers’ perspectives of contraceptive service provision to adolescent girls in Nigeria? Using a participatory action...
Monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Urban Economic Development (SUED) programme
Itad has been appointed to deliver the monitoring, evaluation and learning component of SUED to support programme learning and adaptation.
How should donors manage adaptively? Market Systems Development as a case study.
Itad has recently completed a strategic evaluation for Sida to help them work through how they can best manage programmes that are adaptive and...
Recommendations…to co-create and or not to co-create?
As part of our efforts to make our work more useful for donors, implementing organisations and, ultimately, the people we’re trying to help, we...
Learning how to create a culture of learning
When we evaluated how the Norwegian Aid Administration practised Results-Based Management (RBM) earlier this year, one of our main conclusions...
Technical Assessment of Completed RAP roads (Independent Verification Round 2)
The objective of the Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP) is to reduce poverty in western Nepal. The programme aims to deliver economic benefits to the...
The role of Road Maintenance Groups in the Local Roads Network sector in rural Nepal
This policy brief explores the role of Road Maintenance Groups (RMGs) that a number of donor programmes fund in Nepal to maintain and preserve...