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Tackling the humanitarian and development impact of landmines

Supporting the UK Global Mine Action programme to take an evidence-based approach to addressing the impact of explosive remnants of war.


MEL Partner for CSSF Eastern Africa (2015-2021)

The Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) supports the UK Government’s work in addressing conflict and fragility globally. Since 2015,...


The power of parsimony: why less might be more when it comes to grantee reporting

Itad's Laura Hopkins and Rob Lloyd identify three key ways in which funders and grantees can work together to reorient the reporting process to...


Evaluation of the Gavi Alliance’s Gender Policy (2014-2018)

The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, aimed to reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the global under-five mortality rate. As one of...


What else does the MVP evaluation tell us?

In this blog, we dig deeper into the findings to explore the impact of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in Northern Ghana on education,...


Tracking and measuring resilience in large programmes: lessons from BRACED

This paper shares insights on designing and implementing monitoring, evaluation and learning systems as well as generating useful evidence that...


GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Zimbabwe

This is the first of two annual reports to be submitted during the three-year prospective evaluation of GPE in Zimbabwe – one of eight country...


GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Malawi

This is the first of two annual reports to be submitted during the three-year prospective evaluation (PE) of the Global Partnership for Education...


GCRF Evaluation Foundation Stage: Final Report

This is the Final Report for the Foundation Stage evaluation of the GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund). 


New paper on African investments: The limits of job creation and social metrics

Metrics are useful, and the widespread use of standardised metrics and ratings have been helpful over the years. Still, many of the claims of the...


Zoë Sutherland

Principal Consultant

Zoe Sutherland has 10 years' experience in developing monitoring systems and evaluating social outcomes of investments, businesses and NGOs.


Unforeseen benefits of the Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana

In this blog, Dee Jupp shares her experiences living in the home of an extended family in one of the Millennium Villages in Northern Ghana on...


Reflections on evaluating integrated rural development

The latest IDS Bulletin ‘The Millennium Villages: Lessons on Evaluating Integrated Rural Development‘ brings together a series of...


Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Civil Society Organisations

This report presents the main findings from an evaluation of Gavi’s support to CSOs (civil society organisations) during the period 2011 to...


Beyond venture capital: Being purposeful about investing in Ghana

Our new paper on African investments offers insights into improving social benefits: it can be achieved but requires intentionality by business...


Mobilising for Development Independent Evaluation Manager (IEM)

The M4D evaluation was funded by DFID, conducted by Itad (as the IEM), and ran from 1 November 2014 to 15 May 2018, beginning shortly after the...


Changing gender norms at scale: Results and evidence of what works from Voices for Change in Nigeria

Recently, there’s been an increasing interest in the role of social norms in shaping people’s aspirations and promoting – or limiting -...


Adolescents 360 Evaluation: How might we better meet the needs of adolescent couples with contraceptive counselling and services through Ethiopia’s Health Extension Program?

Itad is working in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Avenir Health to independently evaluate and distil...


Is my social protection programme ‘shock-responsive’ or ‘adaptive’?

What is adaptive social protection? How does it differ from shock responsive social protection? Why does it matter? These were some of the...


Five key principles for Adaptive Social Protection programming

‘Adaptive Social Protection’ (ASP) came from a realisation that social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation were...


Strategic Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Partnership with Gatsby Africa

Itad is pleased to announce a new learning partnership with Gatsby Africa, to strengthen their Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning capacity...


Itad presents Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation findings with senior policy-makers from Northern Ghana

The Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation (MVEval) will be presenting its findings of the DFID-funded SADA Millennium Villages Project in...


Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Endline Report

This report presents the findings of the third and final (endline) round of qualitative fieldwork for the evaluation of the Child Development...


Gatsby Africa: Strategic Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Partnership

Our learning partnership with Gatsby Africa aims to strengthen their ability to learn, adapt and make better programming decisions. We support...