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Independent Monitoring and Verification of the WASH Results Programme

Millions of people worldwide still lack access to improved water supply and sanitation. The DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Results...


Nepal Rural Access Programme – MEL Component: Inception Report

This report provides an assessment of progress achieved during the inception phase of the MEL Component of the Nepal Rural Access Programme.


Macro Evaluations- DFID’s Strategic Vision for Girls & Women, & Policy Frame for E&A

Itad mobilised an exceptional team of highly respected and qualified experts to conduct macro evaluations of the Strategic Vision for Girls and...


Itad begins work on the Monitoring & Evaluation of the Nepal Rural Access Programme

Itad is managing the independent Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Unit (MEL Unit) of the third phase of the Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP).


Monitoring & Evaluation of the Nepal Rural Access Programme

Itad is managing the independent Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Unit (MEL Unit) of the third phase of the Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP).


Formative Evaluation of Monitoring Results for Equity System (MoRES) Approach

Itad is drawing early lessons to help sharpen the coherence, methods, and tools of the Monitoring Results for Equity System approach to UNICEF...


External Impact Assessment of IPPF’s Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)

Itad, commissioned by SAAF, conducted an independent impact assessment of its programme and six of its country projects for the period 2007-2010.


OHCHR Performance in Gender Mainstreaming

Itad and Tripleline were commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' performance on gender...


Joint learning programme on pro poor growth

Train4Dev, and POVNET contracted the ODI and Itad to design and deliver a joint learning programme on pro poor growth.


Review of DFID’s Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Guidelines

Itad were engaged by DFID, on behalf of the DAC, to pilot test guidelines on a range of DFID conflict prevention and peace building interventions.


Review of Agricultural Research, Nepal

Itad was commissioned by DFID to undertake a review of agricultural research in Nepal


Monitoring and Evaluation system for Hill Agriculture Research Project

Itad, contracted by DFID, designed a monitoring and evaluation system for the research programme. The monitoring elements of the system were...