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Showing 49 - 72 of 79 results

Evaluation of Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: Summative Phase Two

The Department for International Development (DFID) invested £54.6 million into a humanitarian innovation and evidence programme which began in...


Evaluation of Gavi’s Gender Policy

This report presents the findings from the evaluation of Gavi’s 2013 Gender Policy. The evaluation was conducted by Itad in 2018-2019.


Strategic Evaluation of WFP Support for Enhanced Resilience

Itad's strategic evaluation provides a formative and forward-looking assessment of WFP’s support for enhanced resilience. Its purpose is...


Changing a Theory of Change: six important lessons from our work with iDSI

In this Itad blog, Laura Hopkins and Stefanie Wallach explore six lessons we've learnt when it comes to changing a theory of change through our...


Tackling the humanitarian and development impact of landmines

Supporting the UK Global Mine Action programme to take an evidence-based approach to addressing the impact of explosive remnants of war.


MEL Partner for CSSF Eastern Africa (2015-2021)

The Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) supports the UK Government’s work in addressing conflict and fragility globally. Since 2015,...


Evaluation of the Gavi Alliance’s Gender Policy (2014-2018)

The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, aimed to reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the global under-five mortality rate. As one of...


Tracking and measuring resilience in large programmes: lessons from BRACED

This paper shares insights on designing and implementing monitoring, evaluation and learning systems as well as generating useful evidence that...


Gatsby Africa: Strategic Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Partnership

Our learning partnership with Gatsby Africa aims to strengthen their ability to learn, adapt and make better programming decisions. We support...


Resilience Results: BRACED final evaluation report

This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the Building Resilience...


The Second Phase of Providing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support to the Global Resilience Partnership

Since 2016, Itad has supported the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) as a learning partner to help ensure it reaches its goal of helping...


Monitoring and Evaluation of DFID’s Support to the Palestinian Authority through the Services, Stability and Reform Programme (SSRP)

Improving health, education and government reform efforts of the Palestinian Authority (PA) are critical to the UK government’s commitment to...

Knowledge product

The Role of External Actors in Supporting Social and Political Action towards Empowerment and Accountability with a Focus on Fragile, Conflict- and Violence-Affected Settings

This paper explores the role and experience of external actors, particularly donors, in supporting social and political action in fragile,...


External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM

External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM


Evaluation of UNFPA Support to the Prevention, Response to and Elimination of Gender-based Violence, including Harmful Practices

The issue of violence against women and girls features strongly in the 2030 Development Agenda. We are committed to supporting the achievement of...


Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) – Accountable, Responsive and Capable Government Pillar

Although Nigeria has made progress with socio-economic development in recent years, about 90 million people - roughly half Nigeria's population...


Review of the RAP-3 Theory of Change

The 2016 review is a critical examination of the RAP3 theory of change conducted in consultation with stakeholders to reflect and review the...


Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)

Itad is the monitoring and evaluation specialist organisation in the Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme consortium led by WYG. We are...


Theory of Change and Results Framework support to GPE Strategic Plan

As part of finalising the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, Itad was contracted to help integrate a global Theory of Change (ToC) and Results Framework...


Independent Evaluation Manager for the Mobilising for Development Programme, Nigeria

Itad has been contracted by GRM on behalf of DFID to manage the impact evaluation of the Mobilising for Development Programme (M4D).


Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility (Follow-on)

Itad has been awarded the follow on contract to finalise the trust fund proposal for the next phase of the Governance Partnership Facility.


GDNet M&E Technical Support 2009-2014

Itad’s supported and facilitated GDNet’s monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, and drafted a final report in 2014.


Monitoring & Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility

Itad has been contracted to improve the logframe of the Governance Partnership Facility, a trust fund established to support economic governance...


Review and strategic support to GDNet

Itad was contracted to conduct a mid-term review of GDNet. We reviewed its effectiveness, networking, user experience and sustainability.