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Evaluation of a climate-smart business programme

Itad has been commissioned by the Good Energies Foundation to evaluate a multi-year programme focused on incubating climate-smart business to...

Knowledge product

The Role of External Actors in Supporting Social and Political Action towards Empowerment and Accountability with a Focus on Fragile, Conflict- and Violence-Affected Settings

This paper explores the role and experience of external actors, particularly donors, in supporting social and political action in fragile,...


Evaluation and Costing of the Pilot Project on Prevention of Adolescent Suicide in Kyzylorda Oblast, Kazakhstan

Itad has been selected by UNICEF to conduct a summative evaluation of this adolescent suicide prevention (ASP) pilot.


Strengthening Citizen’s Resistance against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C)

DFID is supporting Nigeria’s anti-corruption effort by ensuring stronger incentives not to loot government resources and changing public...


Monitoring and Evaluation of Denmark-Myanmar Country Programme

Since 2011, Denmark has steadily expanded its diplomatic, political, commercial and development cooperation with Myanmar, leading to Myanmar...


Evaluation of UNICEF’s coverage and quality in complex humanitarian situations

Delivering humanitarian assistance in complex humanitarian situations is extremely challenging due to the multi-dimensional nature of these...


Centre for Development Impact Update – Winter 2017

The past six months have seen some exciting changes at the Centre for Development Impact (CDI).


IDEAS in Mexico: A new chapter for evaluation?

Itad's Chris Barnett and Rachel Eager have published a chapter 'New Frontiers for Evaluation in a Fast-Changing World'


Naz Nahar

Finance Administrator

Nazmun Nahar provides Support to Itad’s finance department.


Itad at the Joint Evaluation Conference

The Itad team are excited to be attending the Joint Evaluation Conference in Guanajuato, Mexico, organised by ReLAC, REDLACME and IDEAS.


Solutions for Strengthening Resilience Measurement and Influence

Itad, with 100 Resilient Cities and Slum Dwellers International, has been commissioned to work on ‘Collaborative Resilience Evidence and Action...


Summative evaluation of DFID’s Caribbean anti-corruption programming

DFID has been supporting anti-corruption programming in the Caribbean since 2009. The current programme, the Caribbean Anti-Corruption Programme...


Strategic Evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Support for Enhanced Resilience

Resilience is of growing importance globally (as highlighted in the June 2017 Report of the UN Secretary-General) and is seen as a key concept in...


Impact Evaluation of the SADA Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana Annex C: Endline Reality Check Approach

The endline Reality Check Approach (RCA) was conducted as the last of the monitoring and evaluation elements of the Independent Impact Evaluation...


Reflections on our experience of DFID’s results agenda

As verifiers of a DFID Results Based Finance programme, ODI’s research on the UK’s results agenda prompted us to reflect on our experience.


Reflections from the IAAH

Christina Atchison and Emma Mulhern reflect on attending the 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health in New Delhi, India


Evaluation of The Hewlett Foundation’s Strategy to Apply Human-Centred Design to Improve Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Since 2013, the Hewlett Foundation (the Foundation) has supported and Marie Stopes International (MSI) to apply Human-Centred Design...


What evidence is there for the impact of market systems development?

The strength (or weakness) of evidence to support use of the market systems approach is a topic that always provokes heated debate. As part...


How much value do Value Added Models provide for the quality of schools?

What value might Value Added Models might bring to developing an accountability measure for school quality in the development sector?


The impact of cash-for-works: evidence from the Rural Access Programme in the mid and far west of Nepal

RAP's primary objective is to deliver economic benefits to poor and isolated communities over the long term through improved rural road...


Review of Rural Roads Maintenance Planning in Nepal

This report by the independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of the Rural Access Programme 3 (RAP3) presents a review of...


The role of evidence in a changing world

Many citizens (especially in Africa and Asia) have been left behind by the growing global economy and technological innovation. This rising...


Itad at American Evaluation 2017

Itad’s Rob Lloyd and Andrew McConnochie attended the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference, where they joined discussions...


Collaborative Resilience Evidence and Action in Cities

Itad, in collaboration with 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) and Slum Dwellers International (SDI) has been awarded a grant to explore resilience...