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Resilience Measurement – MEL approaches in practice

This report offers a discussion of the key challenges and lessons in operationalizing resilience measurement-monitoring, evaluation and learning...


Measuring progress towards SDGs: a Payment by Results perspective

Attending the 2017 WEDC Conference prompted WASH MVE team members to share their reflections on measuring progress towards SDGs from a Payment...


What works for social accountability? Findings from DFID’s macro evaluation

I wrote my first blog on DFID’s macro evaluation of its empowerment and accountability project portfolio way back in 2015, at the end of the...


Measuring Social Norms on WEE Programmes: Lessons from Itad’s Work in Gender Equality

The role of social norms change in economically empowering women was a hot topic at the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Global Learning Forum...


Making progress: BRACED at the mid-term

This report presents a synthesis of project-level mid-term reviews (MTR), carried out after 18 months’ implementation of the Building...


Itad joins GPSA as Global Partner

Itad has joined the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) as a Global Partner. In doing so, we have joined organisations from...

Knowledge product

What works for Social Accountability? Findings from DFID’s Macro Evaluation

This briefing summarises the main findings from our evaluation of DFID's support to social accountability initiatives and highlights key lessons...


What role will China play in global health and how will we work together?

China has historically been a recipient of development assistance and funding, but this is changing with the country’s economic development,...


Evaluation of DFID-CHAI market-shaping for access to safe, effective and affordable health commodities

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned an independent evaluation of its £35m programme of support to the Clinton...


Education Sector Budget Support Evaluation Programme in Zambia

From 2013 to 2016, the UK will support the improvement of education quality and participation of girls in the education system in Zambia through...


Project update – summer 2017

During the first half of 2017, Itad has continued to start new work with a range of clients, across our themes.


The impact of programmes that use market systems approaches

Market systems approaches have now been used in a wide range of countries and contexts to promote growth in jobs and income, improve access to...

Knowledge product

Rethinking systemic change – technical paper

This technical paper provides an in-depth review of the fields of evolutionary economics, new institutional economics and complexity and social...

Knowledge product

Rethinking systemic change – discussion paper

This discussion paper briefly presents the key messages from the literature review and seven principles drawing from this literature. The...

Knowledge product

Applying multipliers to tourism in Kosovo

Most programmes face challenges in assessing and reporting the wider impact of their interventions. In the tourism sector, many programmes aim...

Knowledge product

Improving national statistics in Kosovo

In Kosovo’s tourism sector the availability of accurate national statistics and capable national bodies charged with collecting it, is...


The Global Fund’s 2017 Strategic Review

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) was created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the world’s money in...


Three lessons from the 2017 UK Evaluation Society Conference

Itad was well represented at this years’ UK Evaluation Society (UKES) conference


Helena Raijas

Project Officer

Helena Raijas joined Itad as a Project Officer in 2017. She is part of Itad’s project management unit.

Knowledge product

China’s increasing global health engagement

China has historically been a recipient of development assistance and funding, but this is changing with China’s economic development, the...


Impact evaluations for market systems programmes

These BEAM Exchange guidelines set out the key steps and considerations for designing, planning and undertaking the evaluation of a programme or...


BEAM Monitoring Guidance

The BEAM Monitoring Guidance aims to provide an introduction to current thinking and practice in monitoring for programmes using a market systems...


Evaluation of UNFPA support to the prevention, response to and elimination of gender-based violence, and harmful practices

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the UNFPA support to the prevention, response to and elimination of GBV, and harmful practices, within...


Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS) Evaluation

The Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS), was a five-year (2013-2018) programme which aimed to increase sustainable access and...