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The road to impact: how do we ensure that evidence is both useful and used?
How do we use evidence to influence? How can we broker a dialogue with new audiences and create spaces where we can learn from each other?
The irony of evaluation – thoughts from the annual UKES conference
My initial reaction to my first UKES conference was that it all seemed slightly ironic that a group of dedicated evaluation professionals...
Pushing the boundaries: considering new ways of utilising evaluations
Itad's Bara Sladkova reflects on this year's UKES Conference, which explored the current ways of utilising evaluations.
Itad’s 4 top takeaways from the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum
Mollie Liesner blogs on her top 4 takeaways from the SEEP Women's Economic Empowerment Forum in Bangkok.
Increasing the use of evaluation results: three tensions to navigate
As pressure to demonstrate Value for Money and results in international development increases in the current political climate, funding and...
60 seconds with…Richard Burge
Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Richard Burge had to...
Evaluation of the UNICEF PMTCT/Paediatric HIV Care and Treatment Programme
UNICEF commissioned Itad to conduct an evaluation of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and paediatric HIV care and...
Too complex to measure? Exploring the dynamic processes of resilience and recovery
Measuring resilience helps to build crucial evidence about how and why resilience is being strengthened, for whom, and in which contexts.
Evaluations – are they of any use? Reflections before and after the UKES conference
I'm looking forward to attending the UK Evaluation Society’s annual conference this year. Its focus on the usefulness of evaluations appears to...
Itad at the 2017 UK Evaluation Society conference
Several staff represented Itad at this years’ UKES conference on ‘demonstrating and improving the usefulness of evaluation’.
Design of the Democratic Governance Facility
Itad’s Richard Burge led an eight-person team to design a five-year multi-donor governance programme in Uganda. Working closely with eight...
Six things that help grant-makers learn and adapt
There’s an emerging body of literature identifying key strategies that can both improve learning and enable adaptive management amongst...
Causality and attribution in market systems development
A new paper aims to shed light on the current theoretical/academic and practitioner understanding of attribution and causality.
Causality and attribution in market systems development
Attribution is the establishment of a causal link between (parts of) an observed change and a specific intervention. Attribution is a key...
Thoughts from the International Association for Impact Assessment conference
Gil Yaron, team leader on our BRACED impact evaluation, reflects on his presentation at the International Association for Impact Assessment...
Expect the unexpected: unanticipated consequences and development programming
You’ll be familiar with the basic logic of development programmes: there’s a serious problem to address; we have designed a solution, we can...
Post-hoc quality assessment and annual summary report services for the World Food Programme
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian agency, providing food assistance to around 80 million people...
Introducing The Mastercard Foundation Savings Learning Lab
The Mastercard Foundation Savings Learning Lab is a six-year initiative implemented by Itad, in partnership with the SEEP Network. The Lab's aim...
Pippa Tallant
Pippa Tallant specialises in travel logistics and crisis management. She works to ensure that Itad’s international deployments run smoothly.
V4C Case Study – Religious leaders speak up for gender equality
This V4C case study examines the programme's work with religious leaders and institutions.
V4C Case Study – Traditional leaders advocate for female decision makers
This V4C case study examines the role of traditional leaders in promoting positive attitudes towards women and girls.
V4C Case Study – Radio station staff start to believe in gender equality
This V4C case study brief explores the influence that V4C’s support has had on a sample of the targeted radio stations based in Enugu and...
Mary Lagaay
Mary Lagaay is a Senior Consultant at Itad with over eight years’ experience in research, monitoring and evaluation.
V4C Case Study – Strengthening mechanisms that support gender responsive legislation
This V4C case study explores the revived 'Gender Technical Unit' and it's engagement with the Nigeria National Assembly.