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Final Report: Retrospective Impact Assessment 2005-2015, Financial Sector Deepening Trust Tanzania

During 2016, Itad, in association with MicroSave, undertook an impact assessment of FSDT’s programme of work from 2005 to 2015.


Impact Evaluation of the Samarth Market Development Programme in Nepal

Despite economic growth, remittances from abroad and significant donor support, poverty and inequality remain high in Nepal, with the position of...


External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM

External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM


Evaluation of UNFPA Support to the Prevention, Response to and Elimination of Gender-based Violence, including Harmful Practices

The issue of violence against women and girls features strongly in the 2030 Development Agenda. We are committed to supporting the achievement of...


New household data from Ghana project available for re-analysis

Are you looking for an interesting research project where you can undertake your own analysis of existing datasets?


Evaluation is crucial to reaching the FP2020 goals

The Health Theme in Itad has been thinking about what evaluation means to them in the family planning arena.


Dynamic monitoring and results: How the Propcom Mai-Karfi project designed and implemented an adaptive measurement system

Itad is leading the monitoring and evaluation spoke for BEAM Exchange, which aims to build the credibility of the market systems approach by...


New BEAM Exchange platform

New BEAM Exchange platform launched for practitioners to share stories of challenges to MRM on programmes applying a market systems development...


Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation – Qualitative Midline Report

An independent mixed-method evaluation of DFID's Child Development Grant Programme is being carried out by the ePact consortium. The evaluation...


Supplementary Annex for the Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) Realist Evaluation: Stage 2 Synthesis Report

This is a Supplementary Annex for the BCURE Stage 2 Synthesis Report. It contains the sampling guidance, topic guides and write up templates used...


Building Capacity to Use Research Evaluation (BCURE) realist evaluation: Stage 2 Synthesis Report

This report synthesises the Stage 2 results of a realist evaluation of the Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) programme. The...


Annexes for the Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) Realist Evaluation: Stage 2 Synthesis Report

These annexes for the Stage 2 Synthesis Report for the realist evaluation of the Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) programme...


The Quality of Reviews and Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation

Itad, in association with CMI, was contracted by Norad to investigate the current quality of decentralised reviews.This report details findings...


Itad and cybersecurity

Itad has recently achieved both the Cyber Essentials and the IASME Governance security certifications.


How and when should evaluation be brought into innovation prizes

Ideas to Impact’s evaluation team reflects on why prizes for development may require a new way of working for evaluators.


FoodTrade East and Southern Africa: Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report

During Q3 2016, the Evaluation Management Unit (EMU), managed by Itad UK, undertook the independent Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of FoodTrade East...

Knowledge product

Why don’t decision makers use evidence, and what can be done about it? – BCURE Evaluation Briefing No. 2

This briefing note summarises the BCURE Stage 1 synthesis report and reflects on some of the broader lessons emerging from the evaluation.


Can we learn from system level social protection interventions?

Influencing change at system level is often very difficult to do, requiring different inputs in different contexts. It is also very difficult to...


Adaptive social protection: linking theory to reality on the ground

In their recent Working Paper on Shock responsive Social protection, Oxford Policy Management (OPM) suggest that Social Protection (SP) is often...


Design and implementation of the Global Partnership for Education Country-level Evaluations

Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), formerly the Education for All Fast-Track Initiative, is a multi-stakeholder...


Empowerment and Accountability Annual Technical Report 2016 – Annexes Volume 2: Case Studies

The Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned Itad, through the e-Pact consortium, to undertake a macro evaluation of its...


Empowerment and Accountability Annual Technical Report 2016 – Annexes Volume 1: Framing documents

The Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned Itad, through the e-Pact consortium, to undertake a macro evaluation of its...


Empowerment and Accountability Annual Technical Report 2016: What Works for Social Accountability

The Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned Itad, through the e-Pact consortium, to undertake a macro evaluation of its...


Routes to resilience: insights from BRACED year 1

BRACED projects cover a wide range of issues, from securing, servicing and promoting trans-border livestock mobility across the Sahel, to sharing...