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Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP3) – Midline Impact Assessment Report 2016

This midline report presents the findings from a panel survey of 3,600 households (HH) in eight districts in the Mid and Far West of Nepal and an...


Year 3 Evaluation of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development

Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (‘Pacific Women’) aimed to improve the political, social and economic opportunities for women in...


Clare Stott

Senior Consultant

Clare Stott has 10 years’ experience in international development, specialising in climate change, with particular experience of working in...


Five lessons from the ODI Parliamentary Reception on Women’s Economic Empowerment

There is a possibility that by the end of 2016, three of the world’s largest economies (USA, UK, and Germany) will have a woman as their head...


Webinar on measuring VfM in BER Programmes

In September 2016, we convened our first webinar for the Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF) to share lessons learnt on measuring Value...


60 Seconds with…Itad’s Health Theme

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. In an exciting new format,...


Evidence and evaluation: What’s the Use?

Guest blogger Teresa Hanley asks 'what's the use of evidence and evaluation?' after her session at EES2016.


What I learned at the CARES realist evaluation conference

A couple of weeks ago I attended the CARES realist evaluation conference at the Barbican Centre in London. It was a brilliant few days of...


Itad at EES: Five takeaways from inside the QCA bubble

Florian Schatz reflects on the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) sessions at this year's European Evaluation Society conference.


Demonstrating VfM within an M4P programme

Over the last 12 months, Itad has been developing a Value for Money (VfM) system for the Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia (PEPE), a private...


Laying the foundations for measuring resilience

This BRACED Working Paper provides insights and lessons learnt from designing and implementing the early stages of a quantitative impact...


Itad at the What Works Global Summit 2016

Rob Lloyd and associate Isabel Vogel were on a panel at the 2016 What Works Global Summit in London, discussing 'global perspectives on the use...


60 Seconds with…Ethel Sibanda

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Ethel Sibanda had to...


Itad at the European Evaluation Society Conference 2016

Itad staff and associates will be at this year’s European Evaluation Society (EES) Conference in Maastricht, the Netherlands, presenting and...


Global Resilience Partnership: Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation

Itad has been engaged by Global Resilience Partner as a Learning Partner in the Impact Unit to design and deliver a MEL system for the programme.


Itad at SEEP2016

This week, Itad’s Charley Clarke will be at The SEEP Network’s annual conference in Arlington, Virginia, participating in two sessions as...


The role of capacity assessment in ensuring contextually appropriate capacity support

This blog looks at the role of capacity assessments in ensuring contextually appropriate capacity support.


Final evaluation report of the Tilitonse Fund, Malawi

Tilitonse is a multi-donor fund that has been designed to develop and encourage civil engagement in Malawi, to support more accountable,...


Itad at SOCAP16

This week Itad’s Charley Clarke and Sam McPherson will be at SOCAP16, a conference ‘at the intersection of money and meaning’, exploring...


Communication for Development: an evaluation of UNICEF’s Capacity and Action – Synthesis Report

UNICEF is one of the lead international agencies in promoting and using communication for development (C4D) as a cross-cutting programme strategy...


Dismantling patriarchy in Nigeria

At Itad, we work on different programmes that aim to support gender equality in Nigeria. Getting a deeper understanding of the changes that...


Independent Evaluation of the Programme for the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Kenya

Itad is a consortium member delivering the evaluation of the programme to reduce maternal & neonatal deaths in Kenya over a period of three years.


Assessing the value of evaluations

What’s an appropriate amount of money to spend on an evaluation?  It’s a difficult question to answer. It’s difficult because it depends.


Norwegian Aid and Adaptive Programming

Towards the end of 2015, Itad’s Organisational Effectiveness theme conducted an evaluation of Norway’s support to public sector capacity...