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Knowledge product

Current knowledge of the links between climate and conflict

An interactive poster capturing current trends and links in knowledge and thinking between climate, conflict and peacebuilding.


Sector-wide Theory of Change for Mine Action

Shared mine action objectives and indicators to facilitate greater coherence in the sector


Mainstreaming climate concerns into conflict-related evaluation work

Our work with UK Government is highlighting the value of applying a climate lens to conflict-related development programming.


Supporting climate justice through collaborative learning

Our work with Porticus is highlighting the value of collaborative learning to shape climate justice initiatives more effectively.  


How a ‘landscape approach’ can help mobilise climate finance towards vulnerable groups and ecosystems

Our evaluation of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development found that their framework offers an innovative solution to the challenge of...


Lessons for evaluating complex and adaptive programmes

Drawing on our experiences evaluating a six-year girl-centred sexual health programme, the A360 evaluation team share our key learnings and tips...


Adolescents 360 Evaluation: Final Summative Report

This report presents the overall findings of the evaluation of the Adolescents 360 initiative (A360), which targeted adolescents in Ethiopia,...


Savings Evidence Map

A collection of 380 studies on savings-focused financial inclusion from Mastercard Foundation’s Savings Learning Lab project.


60 Seconds with Itad’s Green Team

Itad's Green Team is an employee-led initiative promoting climate mainstreaming and sustainable ways of working since 2018.


Building ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture systems

Strategy, monitoring, evaluation, and lesson learning support for Porticus's Fair Rural Transitions programme.


Itad’s Emissions Reduction Plan 2022-25

We aim to be carbon negative by 2023; guided by the 4R framework, we set out how we will take urgent and ongoing action to reduce carbon emissions.


Itad announces commitment to be carbon negative by end of 2023

In the run up to the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27), we announce plans to become carbon negative by the end of 2023, helping to pave...


Getting the balance right in the refugee humanitarian-development nexus

Challenges and opportunities for more effective humanitarian-development connections to keep pace with the growing scale of the refugee crises -...


Supporting adaptive learning to promote a climate positive, inclusive economy

Evaluating the effectiveness of the Laudes Foundation’s strategy and providing learning points for continuous improvement to address inequality...


Facilitating change: localising monitoring, evaluation and learning

How do we create the tools and environment needed to recentre monitoring, evaluation and learning in the populations development programmes are...


Bayesian Confidence Updating: 3 lessons from applying this technique

Bayesian Confidence Updating is an innovative approach to robustly establishing the strength of causal links in theory-based evaluation. This...


Independent Evaluation of the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund

We are assessing the impact of the biodiverse landscapes fund and providing ongoing support to the implementers and Defra to ensure evidence is...


Upcoming webinar! Delivering inclusive finance

Proven approaches to delivering inclusive finance: Key lessons from two large-scale financial inclusion initiatives


Joint Evaluation of the Protection of Rights of Refugees during Covid-19

Itad, in partnership with Valid Evaluations, is delivering a joint evaluation of the role of international cooperation in protecting the rights...


Inter-Agency Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response to Covid-19

In partnership with Konterra, we are evaluating the IASC’s collective response in meeting the humanitarian needs of people in the context of...


Understanding champion building

We are collating and presenting learnings from literature and practice of champion building to contribute to the wider field of advocacy and...


Measuring political advocacy, access, and influence for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

We are developing a framework and toolkit for measuring advocacy, access, and influence for development projects in over 150 countries alongside...


Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning on Global Serious Organised Crime

Delivering monitoring, evaluation, research and learning services to the UK Home Office to develop a coordinated and evidence-based approach to...


Evaluating social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya

We are evaluating the Yunus Social Business Model to promote social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya, as contracted by the IKEA foundation.