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Evaluating the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development
The DFCD seeks to improve the wellbeing, economic prospects, and livelihoods of vulnerable groups and enhance the health of critical ecosystems,...
A360 Process Evaluation – Final Report
Findings from a process evaluation of the Adolescents 360 program, which delivered modern contraception to over 400,000 girls across Ethiopia,...
Promoting inclusive and fair climate action in cities around the world
Strategy, monitoring, evaluation, and lesson learning support for Porticus's Fair Urban Transitions programme.
Supporting Inclusive Growth in Somalia
We are laying the MEL foundation for FCDO’s flagship economic development programme and supporting adaptive management integration into the...
Quality Support Services for the World Food Programme’s Decentralized Evaluations
Itad is delivering a robust quality assurance service for the World Food Programme’s (WFP) decentralized evaluations, helping WFP to capture...
Final Evaluation of UN Women’s ‘Men and Women for Gender Equality’ Programme
We delivered the final evaluation of the UN Women's Men and Women for Gender Equality programme (MW4GE), assessing the overall performance of the...
Providing MEL support to the UK government’s Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme
Itad is the monitoring, evaluation and learning partner to The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme (K4D), supporting the...
Connecting Conflict, Climate Change and Ecological Crisis
Addressing the climate and ecological crises is no longer the responsibility of organisations working in the environmental sector; all entities...
Video: Adaptive programming and COVID-19
The last year has demanded flexible, agile programming to respond to the ever-changing challenges created by COVID-19. In the second of our...
Video: Adaptive programming in 4 minutes
Adaptive programming uses real-time learnings to inform programme implementation as you go; in the first of two short videos Chris Perry explains...
Evolving anti-corruption programming amid COVID-19
Drawing from the efforts of implementing partners in adapting their strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, this learning brief shares...
Itad hosts workshops for emerging evaluators at gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021
Join us at this year’s gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021, where we will host two online workshops aimed at young and emerging M&E professionals from...
How can evaluation work support greater vaccine equity for COVID-19?
“With just five per cent of the world’s population having received the COVID-19 vaccine, the disparities are clear,” shares Sam McPherson,...
Savings and climate resilience – A review of successes and challenges in current programming
Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and the impacts disproportionately affect people living in poverty.
Improving resilience measurement: Learning to adapt – Itad Practice Paper 01
Strengthening resilience is critical if communities are to respond positively to extreme events, climate change and disasters. The concept of...
What works in resilience measurement: Our learning in practice
We are pleased to launch our Practice Papers – a new series of publications where we put our learning into practice. Our first Practice Paper...
Tools and Tips for Implementing Contribution Analysis
A learning brief published with the Center for Evaluation Innovation sharing lessons on applying contribution analysis to advocacy impact...
Lessons for applying contribution analysis to advocacy impact evaluation
Are you trying to evaluate the impact of your advocacy work? Are time and resource constraints making it difficult? Our learning brief, written...
Why human-centered design (HCD) doesn’t always work for international development
A critical look at the use of HCD and what types of problems and organizations are best and worst suited for this method
Digital platforms – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #4
COVID-19 has disrupted facility-based SRHR services in many countries with reduced face-face contact, leading to increased uptake of digital...
How can H2H actors measure outcomes and impact?
The MEAL Advisory Group (MAG) of the H2H Network held a joint learning session 10th December 2020 focused on how to capture outcomes and impact....
Developing a strategic learning and evaluation system with Fondation Botnar
Today, over half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Digital technology is predicted to play an increasingly important role –...
What works in human-centered design in international development
The Savings Learning Lab have published a review of human-centered design (HCD) and how it is applied in international development. The paper...
Human-centered design in international development: A review of what works and what doesn’t
Human-centered design (HCD) is a creative problem-solving approach that puts the customer or beneficiary at the centre, with the objective of...