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Gender Equality: what’s in it for men?

Itad's Julia Hamaus reflects on V4C's 'Being a Man in Nigeria: Perceptions and Realities' launch in London, and men's engagement with gender...


Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)

Itad is the monitoring and evaluation specialist organisation in the Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme consortium led by WYG. We are...


Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE)

Itad is a member of the ODI-led consortium that has been contracted to lead the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence programme (GAGE)


Flexible and Adaptive…How Original

The title of this post relates to how adaptive programming was presented at a recent donor meeting, the aim being to profile a soon-to-be...


The ‘almost revolution’ of thinking and working politically

Itad's Claire Hughes reflects on her afternoon discussing where we have got to with the “almost revolution” of thinking and working...


Better understanding and measuring resilience

Itad's Climate Change theme looks at the concept of 'resilience' and how we can better understand and measure it, after their trip to the 2015...

Knowledge product

BRACED Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance Notes

The BRACED M&E Guidance Notes set out the BRACED M&E framework itself and the guidance provided to the 15 country-level project Implementing...


How to evaluate if a programme really makes markets work for the poor – 10 Key points

BEAM’s Evaluation Guidance sets out to help evaluators, programme managers and donors steer round these and other problems. Fionn looks at key...


Can ICTs help citizens to raise concerns over water supply? – Findings from a research project under the making all voices count initiative

Itad's Katharina Welle explores whether ICTs can help citizens raise concerns over water supply, following on from her article in the latest IDS...


A Ridiculously Short Introduction to Monitoring & Evaluation for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Market Systems Development*

Itad's Jessica Rust-Smith explores how to evaluate women's economic empowerment within a market systems programme.


Can football tackle violence against women and girls? Six findings from our baseline study in Kenya.

Itad is working with the British Council and the Premier League on an innovative project, funded by the UK’s Department for International...


60 Seconds with…Barbora Sladkova

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. See what Barbora Sladkova had to say.


Evaluation of Norwegian Support to Capacity Development

Capacity development is a core cross-cutting issue for Norway. It is estimated that projects and programmes with significant capacity development...


Meta-Evaluation of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development’s Decentralized Evaluations

Itad has been commissioned to deliver a meta-evaluation of decentralized evaluations undertaken by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs,...


Centre for Development Impact Update

This has been a formative year for the Centre for Development Impact (CDI). We have spent much of the year reflecting on the major global...


New Project Highlights

We have started work on many exciting new projects this year.


What has DFID funded in the area of Empowerment and Accountability and Gender equality?

The answer is not as straightforward as you may think. We had to figure it out whilst working on two evaluations for DFID, one of its gender...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change One: Hassna

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change Two: Mesaye

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change Three: Ayale and Berlie

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change Four: Babeye Bantider, HABP Agribusiness Expert

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change Five: Biruk Legesse, Daru Labu Woreda HABP Expert

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change Six: Jamal

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...

Knowledge product

Climate Smart Initiative Story of Change Seven: Sileshi

The Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) was launched in July 2013, as an adjunct to the existing Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net...