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The Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) evaluation: Another piece of evidence supporting the value of multi-stakeholder approaches
Itad, in cooperation with Pamoja, recently completed an evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). MeTA was a DFID-funded...
Itad at the 2016 UKES Conference
Itad will have lots of representatives at this weeks' UK Evaluation Society (UKES) Conference, speaking on a range of subjects.
How MEL systems provide answers for development in a warming world
This Earth Day, Itad's Sarah Standley, Robbie Gregorowski, and Dave Wilson reflect on how MEL systems provide answers for development in a...
BCURE Literature Review – How can capacity development promote evidence-informed policy making?
This literature review examines how and why different approaches to capacity building for evidence-informed policy making work, for whom, and in...
BCURE Literature Review Section 1 – What is ‘building capacity for evidence-informed policy making’?
This section of the BCURE Literature Review discusses the theories and assumptions underpinning the BCURE programme.
BCURE Literature Review Section 2 – What factors promote and constrain evidence-informed policy making?
There is a large amount of evidence on the barriers to and facilitators of EIPM, synthesised in a number of secondary reviews. However, this...
BCURE Literature Review Section 3 – What is the evidence on how to build capacity for evidence-informed policy making?
This section of the BCURE Literature Review examines primary evidence from studies of interventions aiming to build capacity for EIPM, adopting...
External Review of the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA)
The Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) is a World Bank Group study collecting unique data on the regulations that affect farmers. DFID...
60 Seconds with…Ed Hedley
Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Ed Hedley had to say…
A Value for Money (VfM) Analysis for RAP 3
The Value for Money (VFM) analysis of RAP is one-off review assessing what is driving costs and to ensure that the programme is providing the...
Leonora Evans Gutierrez
Leonora Evans Gutierrez is a Principal Consultant at Itad. She has eight years’ experience working on conflict, peace and security.
60 Seconds with…Emmeline Willcocks
Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Emmeline Willcocks...
Rapid Perception Survey on “Bikash ko Bato” – A joint RAP and MEL report
RAP 3's communication strategy included the “10 RAP Principles – that guide all activities and communications”. It also aimed to reach out...
Strengthening the enabling environment for young women’s empowerment in Nigeria: unpacking Voices for Change vision of change
On International Women’s Day, Claire Hughes, who leads Itad’s work on gender, reflects on the Voices for Change pathway to empowering young...
AIDS, TB and Malaria: What difference is the Global Fund making?
In 2015 Itad, together with Euro Health Group and the University of California, San Francisco, was commissioned by the Global Fund’s...
Aligning methods to inspire and monitor change
Kate Hale reflects on our work with Tostan, and how aligning methods can work to monitor change, after International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM.
Gender Equality: what’s in it for men?
Itad's Julia Hamaus reflects on V4C's 'Being a Man in Nigeria: Perceptions and Realities' launch in London, and men's engagement with gender...
Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)
Itad is the monitoring and evaluation specialist organisation in the Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme consortium led by WYG. We are...
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE)
Itad is a member of the ODI-led consortium that has been contracted to lead the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence programme (GAGE)
Flexible and Adaptive…How Original
The title of this post relates to how adaptive programming was presented at a recent donor meeting, the aim being to profile a soon-to-be...
The ‘almost revolution’ of thinking and working politically
Itad's Claire Hughes reflects on her afternoon discussing where we have got to with the “almost revolution” of thinking and working...
Better understanding and measuring resilience
Itad's Climate Change theme looks at the concept of 'resilience' and how we can better understand and measure it, after their trip to the 2015...
BRACED Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance Notes
The BRACED M&E Guidance Notes set out the BRACED M&E framework itself and the guidance provided to the 15 country-level project Implementing...
How to evaluate if a programme really makes markets work for the poor – 10 Key points
BEAM’s Evaluation Guidance sets out to help evaluators, programme managers and donors steer round these and other problems. Fionn looks at key...