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Itad Volleyball 2015

As part of Active Sussex’s Workplace Challenge, Itad’s volleyball team has now taken part in 2 volleyball tournaments during April and May 2015.


Reality Check Approach Study: Experiences and Perspectives Of Direct Beneficiaries

This Reality Check Approach (RCA) Study was commissioned by the DFID-Nepal as part of the Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of...


Reality Check Approach Study: Experiences and Perspectives of Beneficiaries of the Trail Bridge Programme

This Reality Check Approach (RCA) study was commissioned by DFID-Nepal as part of the Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of the...


60 Seconds with…Rob Lloyd

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Have a look at what Rob Lloyd had...


Nepal Rural Access Programme – Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Component: RMG Baseline Report

This report outlines the results of a survey conducted in April and May 2015 of households where at least one member was a participant in a RAP...


Evaluating and Verifying Payment by Results Programmes

Highlights of the discussion about verification and evaluation of Payment By Results in the WASH MVE and GEC chat show at the UKES Conference.


Promoting Urban Climate Change Resilience in Selected Asian Cities

Itad is part of a consortium supporting the development of knowledge and M&E components under the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund.


Testing the Waters: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Factors Affecting Success in Rendering Water Services Sustainable Based on ICT Reporting

This research conducted by WaterAid, Itad and IRC aims to understand the factors that facilitate and inhibit the success of ICT-based reporting...


Learning from HIEP on Evaluation Methodology

Team Leader Teresa Hanley reflects on lessons learnt so far from Itad's evaluation of DFID's Humanitarian Innovation and Evaluation Programme (HIEP).


Improving Evidence Use in Government Decision-Making

David Fleming reflects on the annual roundtable meeting of the Africa Cabinet Government Network, & improving evidence use in government...


Itad’s Evaluation of Denmark’s Humanitarian Strategy Published

Itad has just completed an evaluation of Denmark’s humanitarian strategy, covering the period 2010-2015


Evaluation of DFID’s humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

DFID’s Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department (CHASE) commissioned Itad to conduct an evaluation of its humanitarian response to...


Process Tracing in Impact Evaluation: Potentials and Pitfalls

Kathi Welle & Mel Punton reflect on their CDI Practice Paper 'Straws-in-the-wind, Hoops & Smoking Guns: What can Process Tracing Offer to Impact...


60 Seconds with…Vishal Gadhavi

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Vishal Gadhavi had to...


Introducing DFID WASH Results

A repost of a blog originally posted on the Learning about Payment by Results in WASH, by the team verifying and evaluating DFID’s WASH Results...


Public launch of Final Evaluation Report on EU Support to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Partner Countries

Itad is proud to see the Final Evaluation Report of the EU’s Support to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Partner Countries publicly...


Independent Evaluation Manager for the Mobilising for Development Programme, Nigeria

Itad has been contracted by GRM on behalf of DFID to manage the impact evaluation of the Mobilising for Development Programme (M4D).


Scoping and Design of Rigorous Impact Evaluation: Bangladesh

Itad undertook a scoping study to design an impact evaluation of voluntary taxation alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Bangladesh.


60 Seconds with…Dane Rogers

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. This week is the turn of...


Making Results Systems Work Part 3 – What Drives Evaluation Quality?

While the last two posts in the ‘making results systems work’ series have been looking at result system in a broad sense, in our third and...


Monitoring and Evaluating Flexible and Adaptive Programming

Julian Barr blogs on a DFID internal learning event on Monitoring & Evaluating Flexible & Adaptive Programming, where he presented lessons learnt...


Improving the Practice of Value for Money Assessment

Julian Barr reflects on his recent CDI Practice Paper on 'Improving the Practice of Value for Money Assessment'.


CGAP: Technical Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance for Funders and Program Implementers

Itad is engaged in supporting CGAP’s work on developing technical M&E guidance to funders and their implementing programs.


Real Time Evaluation of Danida Country Programme for Kenya

Itad is leading the Real Time Evaluation of Danida’s Kenya country programme, from 2015 - 2020.