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Malawi, National Audit Office (UK), NAO Country Study

Itad, in association with Kadale Consultants (Malawi), undertook the qualitative research study that served as a key input into the main NAO VFM...


Evaluation of Irish Aid’s Country Strategy Paper for Uganda 2007-2009

Itad led this evaluation, which sought to provide Irish Aid's Senior Management and Country Team in Uganda with an assessment of the Country...


Evaluation of Ireland aid’s Timor Leste country programme 2003 – 08

Timor Leste is a newly independent country with a turbulent history of occupation, in which human rights were neglected and local capacity...


Joint learning programme on pro poor growth

Train4Dev, and POVNET contracted the ODI and Itad to design and deliver a joint learning programme on pro poor growth.


Mid-Term Review of the Research Into Use Programme

Itad conducted a review of DFID's Research Into Use Programme, to assess its performance to date and help determine its the future direction and...


Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes: Zambia

The evaluation of DFID’s country programme in Zambia is one of a series commissioned by DFID’s Evaluation Department. The studies are...


Rwanda Rural Sector Support – Performance Indicator Update and Impact Assessment

Itad updated the project's performance indicators and conduct a primary, field-level impact assessment survey with rural households


Mid Term Evaluation of the Joint Donor Team in Juba, Sudan

Itad was contracted to lead the mid-term evaluation of the Joint Donor Team which aims to promote donor coordination in a fragile post-conflict...


DFID Regional Programme Evaluation – Central Asia, South Caucasus And Moldova

DFID has a rolling programme of Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs) with 5 or 6 evaluations of countries or regions per year. A synthesis report...


Training and methodological support for EC development cooperation policy

Itad managed a Brussels-based team that was instrumental in the effective promotion and application of EC development cooperation policy globally.


Evaluation of Gender Policy Implementation In UNICEF

The purpose of this evaluation was to identify how well organization had implemented its 1994 policy for the integration of gender equality into...


Development of the ILC Operating System and M&E Framework

Itad supposed the development of an Operating Framework to guide annual and multi-year result-based work planning and an M&E Framework.


Evaluation of Ireland’s Country Strategy in Timor-Leste

Itad evaluated Irish Aid's support of Timor-Leste focusing on several aspects including civil society support and the promotion of human rights...


OHCHR, M&E Framework for Strategic Management Plan and Performance Management

Itad provided advisory services on the M&E framework for OHCHR, alongside technical support to develop software to capture and report on performance.


Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes: West Bengal

This evaluation of the West Bengal State Programme was carried out by a team of Evaluation Dept (EvD) staff and independent consultants as part...


M&E Review and Workshop in Bangkok

Itad conducted a review for DFID of M&E in the region, and used this as a basis to strengthen the capacity of country offices.


State Accountability and Voice Initiative (SAVI)

Itad is a core consortium partner in State Accountability and Voice Initiative, providing staff, consultants and advice across the programme.


Joint Country-Led Evaluation of Child-focused Policies within the Social Protection Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Background of this evaluation UNICEF in cooperation with DEP/EPPU has commissioned a comprehensive evaluation of the ongoing process of...


Performance Evaluation of the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) in Uganda

Itad conducted a performance evaluation of Phase I of NAADS, a programme that aims to increase farmers’ access to information, knowledge and...


Review of DFID’s Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Guidelines

Itad were engaged by DFID, on behalf of the DAC, to pilot test guidelines on a range of DFID conflict prevention and peace building interventions.


Strengthening government and donor M&E systems in Pakistan

Itad led a small team including two Pakistani consultants, and reviewed M&E systems across Pakistan government and development partners.


Evaluation of the Norwegian HIV/AIDS Responses in African Countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania

Itad led a consortium which evaluated Norwegian support to African countries in the field of HIV/AIDS over the period 2000-2006.


Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes Country Study: Indonesia

This is the report of an evaluation of the UK Department for International  Development (DFID) country programme in Indonesia. It is the fourth...


Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes Country Study: Kenya

This evaluation of DFID’s Kenya country programme is one of a series of regular Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs) commissioned by DFID’s...