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Showing 169 - 192 of 236 results

Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) – Engaged Citizens

The Engaged Citizens pillar within PERL (Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn) Nigeria supports citizens to engage more effectively to...


Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) – Accountable, Responsive and Capable Government Pillar

Although Nigeria has made progress with socio-economic development in recent years, about 90 million people - roughly half Nigeria's population...


Direct Beneficiaries’ Feedback Report: Listening to the voices of RAP participants

This report presents the findings of a beneficiary feedback process conducted by the MEL. This process set out to capture feedback directly from...


Independent Review of the Rural Access Programme’s Performance Management and Verification (M&E) System

The Performance Management and Verification (PMV) system is the Rural Access Programme’s (RAP) internal M&E system used to collect, aggregate...


Review of the RAP-3 Theory of Change

The 2016 review is a critical examination of the RAP3 theory of change conducted in consultation with stakeholders to reflect and review the...


A Value for Money (VfM) Analysis for RAP 3

The Value for Money (VFM) analysis of RAP is one-off review assessing what is driving costs and to ensure that the programme is providing the...


Rapid Perception Survey on “Bikash ko Bato” – A joint RAP and MEL report

RAP 3's communication strategy included the “10 RAP Principles – that guide all activities and communications”. It also aimed to reach out...


Aligning methods to inspire and monitor change

Kate Hale reflects on our work with Tostan, and how aligning methods can work to monitor change, after International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM.


Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)

Itad is the monitoring and evaluation specialist organisation in the Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme consortium led by WYG. We are...


Theory of Change and Results Framework support to GPE Strategic Plan

As part of finalising the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, Itad was contracted to help integrate a global Theory of Change (ToC) and Results Framework...


South Sudan Access to Justice Programme (ATJP)

Itad is part of a British Council-led consortium contracted by DFID to manage the inception and implementation phases of its new Access to...


Nepal Rural Access Programme MEL: Institutional M&E Review of DoLIDAR

Itad, in association with Development Consultancy Centre (DECC), was contracted by DFID to manage and implement the independent monitoring,...


Evaluating and Verifying Payment by Results Programmes

Highlights of the discussion about verification and evaluation of Payment By Results in the WASH MVE and GEC chat show at the UKES Conference.


Independent Evaluation Manager for the Mobilising for Development Programme, Nigeria

Itad has been contracted by GRM on behalf of DFID to manage the impact evaluation of the Mobilising for Development Programme (M4D).


Monitoring and Evaluating Flexible and Adaptive Programming

Julian Barr blogs on a DFID internal learning event on Monitoring & Evaluating Flexible & Adaptive Programming, where he presented lessons learnt...


CGAP: Technical Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance for Funders and Program Implementers

Itad is engaged in supporting CGAP’s work on developing technical M&E guidance to funders and their implementing programs.


Mid-term Evaluation for Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Trade and Development

Itad is undertaking the Mid-term Evaluation of the World Bank Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Trade and Development.


Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Sport

Itad is designing a monitoring and evaluation framework to provide both formative and summative evidence on the performance of the Prevention of...


Evaluation of DFID-CHAI Market-Shaping for Access to Safe, Effective and Affordable Health Commodities

Itad is leading an evaluation of the DFID/CHAI implementation of the ‘Market-Shaping for Access to Safe, Effective and Affordable Health...


Reinforcement of Monitoring and Learning Capacities for Tostan

Itad is providing a core team to strengthen and refine the monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) efforts of Tostan in West Africa.


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

The effects of climate change are felt most acutely by people living in some of the most vulnerable countries in the world. Building resilience...


Evaluation of DFID’s humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan

Itad was contracted by DFID CHASE to evaluate the UK humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.


Monitoring education sector performance for Sida Cambodia

Itad is working with Sida to monitor education sector performance in Cambodia and to provide technical advice which facilitates strengthened and...


Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility (Follow-on)

Itad has been awarded the follow on contract to finalise the trust fund proposal for the next phase of the Governance Partnership Facility.