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Showing 169 - 192 of 208 results

Flexible and Adaptive…How Original

The title of this post relates to how adaptive programming was presented at a recent donor meeting, the aim being to profile a soon-to-be...


The ‘almost revolution’ of thinking and working politically

Itad's Claire Hughes reflects on her afternoon discussing where we have got to with the “almost revolution” of thinking and working...


Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF)

Itad is a member of the KPMG-led consortium delivering the BERF programme and has responsibility for the ‘Cross-DFID lesson learning’ workstream.


Theory of Change and Results Framework support to GPE Strategic Plan

As part of finalising the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, Itad was contracted to help integrate a global Theory of Change (ToC) and Results Framework...


Independent Evaluation Manager for the Mobilising for Development Programme, Nigeria

Itad has been contracted by GRM on behalf of DFID to manage the impact evaluation of the Mobilising for Development Programme (M4D).


Monitoring and Evaluating Flexible and Adaptive Programming

Julian Barr blogs on a DFID internal learning event on Monitoring & Evaluating Flexible & Adaptive Programming, where he presented lessons learnt...


CGAP: Technical Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance for Funders and Program Implementers

Itad is engaged in supporting CGAP’s work on developing technical M&E guidance to funders and their implementing programs.


Advisory Support to Strengthen Rockefeller Foundation Monitoring and Evaluation

Itad will engage monitoring and evaluation specialists to provide short term practical assistance to the Rockefeller Foundation’s M&E Team,...


Reinforcement of Monitoring and Learning Capacities for Tostan

Itad is providing a core team to strengthen and refine the monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) efforts of Tostan in West Africa.


Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility (Follow-on)

Itad has been awarded the follow on contract to finalise the trust fund proposal for the next phase of the Governance Partnership Facility.


Results-based Payment Approaches in the Governance Sector

Itad was contracted by OECD to conduct a study of results-based payment approaches in the governance sector.


Rockefeller Foundation, Resilience Learning and Support Grant

Itad is leading a range of strategic advisory and knowledge services related to resilience-building across sectors of the Rockefeller...


GDNet M&E Technical Support 2009-2014

Itad’s supported and facilitated GDNet’s monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, and drafted a final report in 2014.


DFID Kenya Wealth Creation Portfolio: Reach and Contribution to Poverty Reduction

Itad is undertaking a study for DFID Kenya to assess the plans for evidence gathering on their private sector and enabling environment programs.


WaterAid, Testing the Waters: how can ICTs for monitoring be strengthened and made more inclusive to achieve greater sustainability of rural water services?

Itad has been contracted by Hivos, IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre to investigate information and communication technology (ICT)...


BEAM Exchange

Itad is leading the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) spoke for BEAM, which aims to build the credibility of the market systems approach by...


Culture & Development Evaluation Toolkit

Itad developed a Monitoring & Evaluation Framework to begin measuring the British Councils' Culture & Development Strategy.


Macro Evaluations- DFID’s Strategic Vision for Girls & Women, & Policy Frame for E&A

Itad mobilised an exceptional team of highly respected and qualified experts to conduct macro evaluations of the Strategic Vision for Girls and...


Publication on Social Accountability and Corruption

Last month, I placed a publication on social accountability mechanisms’ potential to reduce corruption in public administration in the journal...


Monitoring & Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility

Itad has been contracted to improve the logframe of the Governance Partnership Facility, a trust fund established to support economic governance...


Review and strategic support to GDNet

Itad was contracted to conduct a mid-term review of GDNet. We reviewed its effectiveness, networking, user experience and sustainability.


Support to DFID’s Market Development Programme, Northern Ghana

Itad is providing strategic M&E and results management support to UK DFIDs market development programme in Northern Ghana (MADE).


GEMS Results Measurement Handbook

Itad was commissioned by GEMS to develop a handbook to provide a consistent framework for capturing and reporting results and to ensure a...


Monitoring Systems Support to Musika

Itad was commissioned by Musika to help refine its monitoring systems to enable it to better measure its results and manage its internal information.