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Study on Governance Indicators, Nigeria
Itad provided a team to undertake a study which aimed to develop and test a set of public sector governance indicators for DFID's Nigeria portfolio.
GDNet M&E Technical Support 2009-2014
Itad’s supported and facilitated GDNet’s monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, and drafted a final report in 2014.
Transparency International, Measuring and Monitoring Impact Movement-Wide
Itad is to providing support to the MEL unit of Transparency International in the development of an approach to measuring and monitoring outcome...
Adolescent Girls Initiative Action Research Programme (AGIARP)
Itad is leading the cost-effectiveness component of an evaluation into the Adolescent Girls Initiative Action Research Programme (AGIARP), Kenya.
WaterAid, Testing the Waters: how can ICTs for monitoring be strengthened and made more inclusive to achieve greater sustainability of rural water services?
Itad has been contracted by Hivos, IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre to investigate information and communication technology (ICT)...
Results Framework for Business Innovation Fund (BIF)
Itad is providing strategic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services to the second phase of DFID's Business Innovation Facility (BIF2) programme.
Independent Monitoring and Verification of the WASH Results Programme
Millions of people worldwide still lack access to improved water supply and sanitation. The DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Results...
Assessing Value for Money in DFID’s Health Portfolio across States in India
DFID has commissioned Itad to conduct an evaluation to assess the overall impact and value for money of it's 3 health sector budget programmes in...
Monitoring and Evaluation Services in the Area of Disadvantaged Youth and Digital Employment
Itad led a consortium providing Monitoring and Evaluation for the Rockefeller Foundation's Digital Jobs Africa Initiative between 2014 and 2019.
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Global Mine Action Programme
Itad was contracted by DFID to provide Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services to the Global Mine Action Programme (GMAP) 2014-17.
Monitoring & Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility
Itad has been contracted to improve the logframe of the Governance Partnership Facility, a trust fund established to support economic governance...
New results measurement handbook for market development
Itad has recently completed a Results Measurement Handbook for the Growth & Employment in States (GEMS) project in Nigeria. GEMS is a Nigerian...
Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia (PEPE)
Itad is providing strategic monitoring and evaluation and results management services on PEPE, a programme which aims to support private sector...
Support to DFID’s Market Development Programme, Northern Ghana
Itad is providing strategic M&E and results management support to UK DFIDs market development programme in Northern Ghana (MADE).
Mainstreaming climate change with DFID Tanzania
Itad worked with DFID Tanzania to enhance its approach to climate change, both in terms of mainstreaming the issue in ongoing and future...
Monitoring Systems Support to Musika
Itad was commissioned by Musika to help refine its monitoring systems to enable it to better measure its results and manage its internal information.
Development of a diagnostic framework for Value for Money in governance and conflict programmes
Itad provided DFID Nigeria with advice on how Value for Money can best be monitored and measured in its governance and conflict programmes.
Assessing the Value for Money of Vaccine Product Development Partnerships
Itad supported IAVI in developing a framework for assessing the 'value for money' generated through vaccine-focused Product Development Partnerships
Comic Relief, Study on Costs of Measuring Effectiveness
Itad conducted a study to gain a better understanding of the key elements of effective and appropriate MEL systems for different types & sizes of...
TradeMark East Africa, Rwanda Results Measurement and Capacity Development
Itad was appointed by TradeMark East Rwanda as its Results and Performance Monitoring Advisor, to lead on the design and delivery of its M&E...
Voices for Change
V4C (Voices for Change) was an ambitious, innovative gender programme, which sought to address the global challenge of empowering adolescent...
EITI Results Framework
Itad was commissioned by the GIZ to develop and pilot a tool to assist EITI stakeholders in strengthening the results orientation of the EITI.
The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Support Programme, Nigeria
Itad, WS Atkins and Enplan implemented phase 1 of WSSSRP (Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Support Programme), to establish a clearer policy...
Fund Manager for Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (SCIP)
Itad are providing M&E inputs to The Strategic Climate Institutions Programme Fund; a three year initiative funded by DFID UK which started in 2012.