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Strengthening efforts to tackle deadly diseases in Africa
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support the UK Government’s global health security programming. We aim to promote improved...
Evaluating the Ocean Community Empowerment and Nature (OCEAN) Grants Programme
The OCEAN programme supports community-led marine initiatives, aiming to place the ocean on a path to recovery and enabling local communities and...
Practical guidance for portfolio-level monitoring, evaluation and learning
Portfolio-level MEL requires a different approach to project-level MEL. Our recent work with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation has...
Insights from PeaceCon 2024: unlocking the power of diplomacy
Takeaways and insights from our session at PeaceCon which explored innovative tools and approaches for measuring diplomatic engagement, drawing...
Itad’s work on measuring the effectiveness of development and diplomacy
Discover how we are helping governments monitor and manage diplomatic engagement to build peace and prevent conflict
Itad evidence to inform global debate and action on antimicrobial resistance
A new report by Itad will contribute to global discussions at the UN General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance next week.
Evidence-based, sustainable climate and ocean adaptation
We are providing independent monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s...
Evaluating in an AI-driven world
Join us at the 2024 European Evaluation Society Conference for a panel event exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the...
Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use
Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing important insights for...
Maximising the effectiveness of Defra programming
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services for Defra’s international programming covering climate change, biodiversity, food...
Newton Fund Impact Evaluation
We are assessing over ten years of research and innovation (R&I) funding by the UK Government to capture evidence of long-term outcomes and impact.
Webinar: Using evidence to guide intervention design
How can programme designers ensure they find and draw essential lessons from other projects in the same region? Join us to hear insights and...
Measuring Diplomatic Engagement Under the Global Fragility Act
We are providing evidence and expertise on how to measure diplomatic engagement, such as ‘soft power’ or diplomatic influence, in support of...
USAID’s Equitable Challenge project wins EQUALS in Tech Award
Itad, with consortium partners, has won the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Award in the category of Research for its work to address gender inequity in...
Supporting USAID’s Localize Global Health Security project
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the five-year initiative, which aims to improve local capacity to prevent,...
Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia
We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK Government’s Conflict,...
Providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support to the CSSF Overseas Territories
Itad is supporting the UK Government’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) Overseas Territories (OTs) teams to develop systems,...
Supporting innovation, design, execution, and acceleration within USAID
USAID's IDEAS initiative is designed to offer high-quality support to USAID Missions and Bureaus, focusing on local, sustainable solutions and...
USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal
We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.
Mitigating AI gender bias in an international development context
Itad helped to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading education pilots - and provided important insights for the wider development...
Evaluating UK support to countering the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa
Itad is evaluating the UK government funded Counter Illegal Wildlife Trade Range Training Programme in Malawi and Zambia to assess its...
New evidence highlights pre-conditions for development research impact
New insights from Itad demonstrate how evaluative methods can be used at earlier stages of development research programmes to increase the...
New book highlights value of theories of change for social impact
Insights from Itad feature in a new book on how the Theory of Change framework can help those interested in designing impactful and...
Using realist evaluation to support evidence-based policy making
An innovative Itad evaluation generated valuable lessons on what works to build capacity for evidence-informed policy making, as well as building...