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Strengthening efforts to tackle deadly diseases in Africa
We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support the UK Government’s global health security programming. We aim to promote improved...
Scoping Study on Fraud Centres: Ghana, India and Nigeria
This study investigated the dynamics of fraud in Ghana, India and Nigeria and assessed the current response, to identify where the UK can be more...
Import control rules’ impact on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
We are supporting the Walton Family Foundation and other stakeholders to understand how to better combat illegal, unregulated and unreported...
Evaluating Wellcome Foundation’s Drug Resistant Infections Projects
We are developing a methodology to evaluate Wellcome’s Surveillance Partnership to Improve Data for Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and...
Supporting Mastercard Foundation’s flagship pan-African gender programme
Itad reviewed the inception phase of Mastercard Foundation’s Accelerating Impact for Young Women in partnership with BRAC (AIM) programme. The...
Assessing the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership
Itad is evaluating the impact and efficiency of the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership. Our work will provide insights and evidence on the...
How can Foundations work with governments for agricultural change?
We are generating lessons on the best ways to work with governments as we evaluate how successful the Tony Blair Institute and the Alliance for a...
Peace through evaluation, learning and adaptation (PELA II)
Enhancing USAID’s effectiveness in preventing and countering violent extremism, peacebuilding, and strengthening democracy, human rights, and...
Evaluating recommended reforms for inclusive transformation in agriculture
Itad is undertaking a retrospective policy evaluation as part of the Gates Foundation’s Evaluating Inclusive Transformation in Agriculture...
AVANTI in 2020: Adapting to the new normal
In 2020, AVANTI had to adapt to the new normal like many other projects that previously relied on international travel. The team found ways to...
The sanitation challenge for Ghana: Making urban sanitation a political priority – Summary
This summary describes what I2I learned about the value of using prizes to influence the policy environment for liquid waste management (LWM) in...
The sanitation challenge for Ghana: Making urban sanitation a political priority – Brief
The Sanitation Challenge for Ghana was a competition that ran in Ghana between 2015 and 2019 to encourage local governments – Metropolitan,...
Sanitation challenge for Ghana Dignified City Award (Stage 2) – Final evaluation report
This summary describes what I2I learned about the value of using prizes to influence the policy environment for liquid waste management (LWM) in...
Mid-Term evaluation of the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa’s 2017-2021 strategy
The African continent faces myriad challenges in achieving food and nutrition security for its growing population. These challenges are rooted in...
What else does the MVP evaluation tell us?
In this blog, we dig deeper into the findings to explore the impact of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in Northern Ghana on education,...
Unforeseen benefits of the Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana
In this blog, Dee Jupp shares her experiences living in the home of an extended family in one of the Millennium Villages in Northern Ghana on...
Reflections on evaluating integrated rural development
The latest IDS Bulletin ‘The Millennium Villages: Lessons on Evaluating Integrated Rural Development‘ brings together a series of...
Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Civil Society Organisations
This report presents the main findings from an evaluation of Gavi’s support to CSOs (civil society organisations) during the period 2011 to...
Beyond venture capital: Being purposeful about investing in Ghana
Our new paper on African investments offers insights into improving social benefits: it can be achieved but requires intentionality by business...
Itad presents Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation findings with senior policy-makers from Northern Ghana
The Millennium Villages Impact Evaluation (MVEval) will be presenting its findings of the DFID-funded SADA Millennium Villages Project in...
Statement on the impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project
An independent impact evaluation of a Millennium Villages Project (MVP) covering 35 villages in Northern Ghana was led by Itad in partnership...
Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.1: MVP and the MDGs: what did it achieve?
This Briefing Paper is the first in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project...
Executive Summary: Impact Evaluation of the SADA Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana
The Millennium Villages Project (MVP) aims to demonstrate how the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) could be achieved locally through an...
Itad evaluation offers verdict on Millennium Village Project in Northern Ghana
A major new report, published by Itad on 18th September 2018, details the findings from our five-year evaluation of the DFID-funded Millennium...