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Impact story

Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use

Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing important insights for...


USAID’s Equitable Challenge project wins EQUALS in Tech Award

Itad, with consortium partners, has won the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Award in the category of Research for its work to address gender inequity in...


Mitigating AI gender bias in an international development context

Itad helped to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading education pilots - and provided important insights for the wider development...


Building ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture systems

Strategy, monitoring, evaluation, and lesson learning support for Porticus's Fair Rural Transitions programme.


USAID’s Equitable AI Challenge: Addressing Gender Inequity in Artificial Intelligence

Our work is helping to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading educations pilots - and providing important insights for the wider...


Retrospective assessment of the LEGO Play Box Initiative

For the past ten years, LEGO has been donating Play Boxes to children and educational institutions in disadvantaged environments and providing...


Evaluation of Alterna’s direct support to ventures

Alterna has over seven years of experience creating their own social ventures from the ideation stage, as well as cultivating hundreds of...


IDEAS in Mexico: A new chapter for evaluation?

Itad's Chris Barnett and Rachel Eager have published a chapter 'New Frontiers for Evaluation in a Fast-Changing World'


Itad at the Joint Evaluation Conference

The Itad team are excited to be attending the Joint Evaluation Conference in Guanajuato, Mexico, organised by ReLAC, REDLACME and IDEAS.


Learning Partnership on the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

The Forest Investment Program (FIP), a program under the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), provides indispensable investments to benefit forests,...


External Review of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Itad was selected by a group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s framework donors to undertake an external review of IUCN.