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Protecting oceans and securing futures for coastal communities

We are strengthening the delivery of the UK Government's international efforts to protect the marine environment and reduce poverty. We are...


Private Capital Mobilisation: Concepts and Definitions

By establishing a common vocabulary this publication aims to support a more coordinated approach by Development Finance Institutions toward the...


Evaluating the impact of a hydroelectric power investment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

This report explores the impact of British International Investment's (BIIs) funding in Virunga Energies’ hydroelectric grid in the Nord-Kivu...


Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions

We are supporting the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to understand the impact of nature-based solutions (NbS) in achieving sustainable...


Evaluating the Ocean Community Empowerment and Nature (OCEAN) Grants Programme

The OCEAN programme supports community-led marine initiatives, aiming to place the ocean on a path to recovery and enabling local communities and...


Practical guidance for portfolio-level monitoring, evaluation and learning

Portfolio-level MEL requires a different approach to project-level MEL. Our recent work with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation has...


Evaluation of Norad’s use of knowledge in portfolio management

This report and learning brief draw on Itad's 2024 evaluation of ‘The Norwegian Aid Administration’s approach to knowledge use in portfolio...


Strengthening AMR surveillance: Stories of national progress in Africa and Asia

Stories of change from Malawi, Nepal, Timor-Leste and Kenya, illustrating some of the tangible differences taking place in countries supported by...


Expert advisory services on climate measurement, evaluation and learning

We are providing technical support to The Rockefeller Foundation in implementing global best practices in measurement, evaluation and learning.

Impact story

Helping the UK Government tackle the global antimicrobial emergency

Our long-term evaluation of the UK Government’s flagship Fleming Fund has informed strategic shifts relating to data use and gender equity to...


Drivers of impact in research and innovation for development

Our Global Challenges Research (GCFR) evaluation survey highlights four important drivers of impact in research and innovation investments....


Promoting impact in research and innovation

How can management structures and implementation processes increase innovation and impact for development? Download the synthesis report from our...


Evaluation of the Global Challenges Research Fund

We are assessing how successfully the Global Challenges Research Fund is achieving its aims, delivering impact and achieving value for money


Maximising the effectiveness of Defra programming

We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services for Defra’s international programming covering climate change, biodiversity, food...


Shaping the UN Girl’s Education Initiative 2023-27

Itad supported the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative to develop and design their 2023-27 portfolio.


Supporting USAID’s Localize Global Health Security project

We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the five-year initiative, which aims to improve local capacity to prevent,...


Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia

We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK Government’s Conflict,...


Evaluation of UBS-Optimus’ Health Strategy and Development of a New Strategic Direction

We evaluated UBS-Optimus’ achievements, impact trajectory, and contribution to saving children's lives through its health strategy portfolio.


USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal

We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.


Evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative

Itad is evaluating the Global Fund’s Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative to build resilient and sustainable systems for health.


Evaluating Self-Care Policy Change for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Itad, in partnership with Halcyon, evaluated the Self-Care Trailblazer Group’s FAST TRACK programme’s implementation across the five...


Evaluation of Unitaid’s Antiretroviral Therapy Optimization portfolio

We evaluated Unitaid's Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Optimization portfolio’s impact on lowering barriers to antiretroviral access in low- and...


Evaluating UK support to countering the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southern Africa

Itad is evaluating the UK government funded Counter Illegal Wildlife Trade Range Training Programme in Malawi and Zambia to assess its...


Supporting the Hilton Foundation’s flexible funding for disaster relief and recovery

Identifying enablers and barriers to relevant, timely and accountable emergency response in the Hilton Foundation’s Disaster Relief and...