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Protecting oceans and securing futures for coastal communities

We are strengthening the delivery of the UK Government's international efforts to protect the marine environment and reduce poverty. We are...


Strengthening efforts to tackle deadly diseases in Africa

We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support the UK Government’s global health security programming. We aim to promote improved...


Providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support to the CSSF Overseas Territories

Itad is supporting the UK Government’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) Overseas Territories (OTs) teams to develop systems,...


Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia

We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK Government’s Conflict,...


Providing MEL support to the Mastercard Foundation in the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union.

Itad is leading a consortium with CLEAR FA and CIDS Burkina to provide monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the Mastercard Foundation...


USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal

We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.


Providing performance recommendations to the World Food Programme

We are synthesising evaluations of the WFP from between 2018 and 2021 to provide evidence and recommendations on performance measurement and...


Addressing social norms in development programmes – Learnings from the WISH programme

Addressing social norms in behaviour change programmes is increasingly a priority for many donors. We highlight three key learnings for...


Evolving anti-corruption programming amid COVID-19

Drawing from the efforts of implementing partners in adapting their strategies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, this learning brief shares...


Maximising the value of third party monitoring

COVID-19 has brought greater challenges and complexity to delivering aid, particularly in insecure settings. An external perspective through...


Digital platforms – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #4

COVID-19 has disrupted facility-based SRHR services in many countries with reduced face-face contact, leading to increased uptake of digital...


Learning to go virtual: Our highlights from the WISH Learning Event

In early December 2020, Itad facilitated the annual Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Programme Learning Event. In our role as Third...


Coordination and alignment with relevant global and UK International Health Regulations: Lessons from the Public Health England International Health Regulations Strengthening Project

This is the second Learning Brief to pull out areas of interest to a wide range of people in the global health security sector from the...


Mid-point evaluation of the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST) – Final Report

Itad has been contracted by UK-PHRST to conduct an external performance evaluation and independent monitoring (PE&IM) of the programme from...


Improving poverty and disability measures through better data collection: Lessons from WISH

Collecting data for decision-making on personal issues related to sex, income and ability is fraught with complications that can impede both the...


A learning-focused assessment of experiences in collecting poverty and disability measures through client exit interviews

Collecting data from service users on personal issues related to reproductive health, living conditions and abilities is fraught with...


Adaptations to social and behaviour change communications – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #3

The COVID-19 pandemic poses unique challenges to social and behaviour change communications on sexual and reproductive health and rights...


Approaches to support the delivery of self-managed medication abortion during COVID-19 – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #2

Global health emergencies have a significant indirect impact on sexual and reproductive health and rights, by interrupting regular service...


Adaptive programming for global health security programmes

Lessons from the Public Health England International Health Regulations Strengthening Project


Remote training for contraceptive service delivery – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #1

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the capacity of organisations to train health providers, jeopardising their ability to maintain...


Designing effective verification systems for Payment by Results contracts

New series of publications shares practical guidance for third-party verification services based on learning from the WASH Results Programme.


Stamping out slavery in Nigeria – MEL Unit

Historically, Nigeria has been seen as a country of origin, transit and destination for human trafficking. Edo State has been labelled the most...


MEL unit for CSSF Middle East

The Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) in the Middle East operates in one of the most complicated conflict-affected regions of the...


MEL Support for CSSF North Africa

The UK’s Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) is designed to provide strategic UK investments that combine a whole-of-government...