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Measuring political access and influence in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Understanding political context and the influence of political interests is critical in delivering national and development objectives. This is...


Creating safe spaces for change: lessons for Gender & Security programming

Three key lessons to help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected contexts from our recent evaluation...


Balancing the UK’s development objectives and national interest: Three lessons for the FCO/DFID merger

There has been wide-ranging debate over the last weeks about the UK Government announcement to merge DFID and FCO into the new FCDO. One concern...


Maximising the value of third party monitoring

COVID-19 has brought greater challenges and complexity to delivering aid, particularly in insecure settings. An external perspective through...


Theme update – summer 2018

It’s been a busy start to 2018. Here, each of our technical themes gives us a quick insight into what their highlights have been so far...


Practice highlights from 2019

Our themes and practices have had a productive year, continuing to deliver results in development in 2019. They have started work on exciting new...


Mainstreaming climate concerns into conflict-related evaluation work

Our work with UK Government is highlighting the value of applying a climate lens to conflict-related development programming.


Theme updates – Winter 2017

It's been a busy 2017 across the company. Here, each of our technical themes gives us a quick insight into what their highlights have been.


Integrated delivery: We know it is needed, so how do we get it?

Tom Gillhespy and Georgina Sinclair reflect on integrated delivery, why it is important, what is holding it back and what good integrated...


Project update – summer 2017

During the first half of 2017, Itad has continued to start new work with a range of clients, across our themes.


Project update – summer 2018

This year, Itad’s technical themes have started work across varied and interesting projects. Read on to find out more...


Itad at UKES 2021: Evaluation and evaluative thinking

We are looking forward to the UK Evaluation Society conference taking place between 25-27 May online. This year’s theme centres on...


The value of stability trackers in fragile settings: Lessons from working with the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund

Uncertainty is a common characteristic when operating in fragile settings, and economic and health shocks brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic...


New Project Highlights

We have started work on many exciting new projects this year.


Get to know Itad’s US office

Get to know our US Director, Mike Klein, and Deputy Director, Ali Cervini Mull as they share what innovations in evaluation they’re most...


Conflict and coronavirus: What the pandemic means in fragile settings

While all of us at Itad grapple with the impacts of COVID-19 on the countries where we work, for those of us working on conflict, security and...


Making the most of 0.5% – what now for the UK aid budget?

The UK government has announced that the 2015 commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) on foreign aid will be reduced in 2021 to...