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Measuring political access and influence in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Understanding political context and the influence of political interests is critical in delivering national and development objectives. This is...


DFID’s Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme

Donors need quality evidence to say what works and what doesn’t to support the empowerment of citizens and hold governments to account. This is...


60 Seconds with…Ethel Sibanda

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Ethel Sibanda had to...


The fight against deadly pandemics: the importance of strengthening International Health Regulations

With global disease outbreaks becoming increasingly common, the importance of building both the UK and other countries’ capacity to prepare for...


60 Seconds with…Vishal Gadhavi

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Vishal Gadhavi had to...


How MEL systems provide answers for development in a warming world

This Earth Day, Itad's Sarah Standley, Robbie Gregorowski, and Dave Wilson reflect on how MEL systems provide answers for development in a...


Six Lessons from the 2016 UK Evaluation Society Conference

Itad was well represented at this years’ UK Evaluation Society (UKES) conference


Design of the Democratic Governance Facility

Itad’s Richard Burge led an eight-person team to design a five-year multi-donor governance programme in Uganda. Working closely with eight...


The value of stability trackers in fragile settings: Lessons from working with the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund

Uncertainty is a common characteristic when operating in fragile settings, and economic and health shocks brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic...

Impact story

Improving access to contraception for adolescent girls

An Itad learning-focused process evaluation helped Population Services International (PSI) improve adolescent girls’ contraceptive programming...


Julian Barr

Non-Executive Director

Julian Barr is a sustainable development expert with over 30 years’ experience. He specialises in evaluation, results management and strategy.


Cleo Blackman

Principal Consultant

Cleo is a Principal Consultant for Itad’s fragile and conflict-affected settings practice. She has 17 years’ experience in international...


Evaluations – are they of any use? Reflections before and after the UKES conference

I'm looking forward to attending the UK Evaluation Society’s annual conference this year. Its focus on the usefulness of evaluations appears to...


Strengthening Citizen’s Resistance against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C)

DFID is supporting Nigeria’s anti-corruption effort by ensuring stronger incentives not to loot government resources and changing public...


Accelerating the Sustainable Control and Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ASCEND)

Neglected Topical Diseases (NTDs) are a group of infectious diseases that thrive in poor and often rural settings, affecting 1.6 billion of the...


Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED to BRACED-X

Routes to Resilience presents a synthesis of the of the Building resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) project...


Mid-point evaluation of the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST) – Final Report

Itad has been contracted by UK-PHRST to conduct an external performance evaluation and independent monitoring (PE&IM) of the programme from...


Julian Barr retires from Itad’s Board of Directors

After nine years as Non-Executive Director, and 23 years’ service to Itad, Julian Barr stood down in January 2024.

Knowledge product

ASPIRE UKAC Resilience Framework Discussion Paper

Discussion paper for the ASPIRE UKAC programme pilots integrating climate change resilience and sexual and reproductive health rights


USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal

We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.


Itad Project Update – Winter 2016

Itad has been had another successful 6 months of contract wins, with interesting new projects across the organisation.


What works for social accountability? Findings from DFID’s macro evaluation

I wrote my first blog on DFID’s macro evaluation of its empowerment and accountability project portfolio way back in 2015, at the end of the...


‘Catalyzing Transformative Change’ – Itad at the SEEP Network Annual Conference

Itad joined development practitioners, funders, researchers and private sector actors at the 2017 SEEP Network Annual Conference.


A world at risk? A role for evaluators in strengthening Global Health Security.

Are we really prepared for the threat of a fast-moving respiratory pandemic? We kick off the week with this thought provoking blog on Global...