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Metrics and indicators

We know that measuring the right things is fundamental to helping our partners understand the effectiveness of their work. Whether it be tracking organisational change outcomes, assessing cost-effectiveness or identifying changes in the political environment, we have a proven track record of developing the right indicators for our partners.

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Showing 1 - 16 of 52 results

Protecting oceans and securing futures for coastal communities

We are strengthening the delivery of the UK Government's international efforts to protect the marine environment and reduce...

Image of a powerplant

Expert advisory services on climate measurement, evaluation and learning

We are providing technical support to The Rockefeller Foundation in implementing global best practices in measurement,...


Supporting USAID’s Localize Global Health Security project

We are providing monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the five-year initiative, which aims to improve local...


Strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning services for CSSF South Asia

We are supporting evidence generation and learning for programme design and adaptive programme management for the UK...


Providing monitoring, evaluation and learning support to the CSSF Overseas Territories

Itad is supporting the UK Government’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) Overseas Territories (OTs) teams to...


Providing MEL support to the Mastercard Foundation in the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union.

Itad is leading a consortium with CLEAR FA and CIDS Burkina to provide monitoring, evaluation and learning services to the...


USAID’s Learning for Development, Nepal

We are supporting USAID’s Nepal Mission to improve democratic governance, health and education outcomes in Nepal.


Mapping Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health for the Global Fund

Supporting The Global Fund to develop to better align financial investments into health systems with the national priorities...


Providing performance recommendations to the World Food Programme

We are synthesising evaluations of the WFP from between 2018 and 2021 to provide evidence and recommendations on performance...


Evaluating social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya

We are evaluating the Yunus Social Business Model to promote social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya, as contracted by the...


Promoting inclusive and fair climate action in cities around the world

Strategy, monitoring, evaluation, and lesson learning support for Porticus's Fair Urban Transitions programme.


Evaluating Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact in Ethiopia

We are carrying out an impact evaluation of the french Development Agency's Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact...


Providing MEL support to the UK government’s Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme

Itad is the monitoring, evaluation and learning partner to The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme...


Framing brief – Impact evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintergration in the Horn of Africa region

This framing brief outlines the rationale and challenges of conducting a study of this kind, as well as the proposed...

children playing outside

Developing a strategic learning and evaluation system with Fondation Botnar

Today, over half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Digital technology is predicted to play an increasingly...


Methodological report – Impact Evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa region

Large-scale global migration is a growing reality for people across the globe, with 258 million international migrants...