Monitoring systems
We are adept at establishing monitoring systems that enable clients to generate evidence and learning in support of decision making. Our utilisation-focused approach leads to solutions that are fit for purpose and add real value, whether it be for project, programme, portfolio or at an organisational level.
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Assessment of PM&E for Sustainable Livelihoods Project Mongolia
Itad conducted a review, for the World Bank, on the overall approach to PM&E under Sustainable Livelihoods Project in Mongolia.
Technical Assistance to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources under the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Reform Programme in Nigeria
Itad provided support to the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) element of The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector...
Monitoring and Evaluation – Watershed Management Project
Itad supported the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for the China Watershed Management Project which helped...
Development of an Integrated Monitoring & Evaluation System for MIGA
Itad worked with Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Operations Team to develop a coherent and integrated...
The Poor Rural Communities Development Project in China
Itad was contracted to develop and mainstream a participation approach for the Poor Rural Communities Development Project, in...
Monitoring and Evaluation system for Hill Agriculture Research Project
Itad, contracted by DFID, designed a monitoring and evaluation system for the research programme. The monitoring elements of...