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Advice and research

We help strengthen existing programmes and inform the design of new initiatives by understanding the needs of beneficiary groups, including their specific economic, social and cultural contexts.

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Showing 65 - 80 of 94 results

What evidence is there for the impact of market systems development?

The strength (or weakness) of evidence to support use of the market systems approach is a topic that always provokes heated...


The Global Fund’s 2017 Strategic Review

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) was created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the...


Design of the Democratic Governance Facility

Itad’s Richard Burge led an eight-person team to design a five-year multi-donor governance programme in Uganda. Working...


Evaluation of UNFPA Support to the Prevention, Response to and Elimination of Gender-based Violence, including Harmful Practices

The issue of violence against women and girls features strongly in the 2030 Development Agenda. We are committed to supporting...


DFID’s Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme

Donors need quality evidence to say what works and what doesn’t to support the empowerment of citizens and hold governments...


External Review of the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA)

The Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) is a World Bank Group study collecting unique data on the regulations that...


Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP)

Itad is the monitoring and evaluation specialist organisation in the Zanzibar Non State Actors Support Programme consortium...


Independent Evaluation Manager for the Mobilising for Development Programme, Nigeria

Itad has been contracted by GRM on behalf of DFID to manage the impact evaluation of the Mobilising for Development Programme...


CGAP: Technical Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance for Funders and Program Implementers

Itad is engaged in supporting CGAP’s work on developing technical M&E guidance to funders and their implementing programs.


Advisory Support to Strengthen Rockefeller Foundation Monitoring and Evaluation

Itad will engage monitoring and evaluation specialists to provide short term practical assistance to the Rockefeller...


Reinforcement of Monitoring and Learning Capacities for Tostan

Itad is providing a core team to strengthen and refine the monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) efforts of...


Results-based Payment Approaches in the Governance Sector

Itad was contracted by OECD to conduct a study of results-based payment approaches in the governance sector.


Rockefeller Foundation, Resilience Learning and Support Grant

Itad is leading a range of strategic advisory and knowledge services related to resilience-building across sectors of the...


DFID Kenya Wealth Creation Portfolio: Reach and Contribution to Poverty Reduction

Itad is undertaking a study for DFID Kenya to assess the plans for evidence gathering on their private sector and enabling...


WaterAid, Testing the Waters: how can ICTs for monitoring be strengthened and made more inclusive to achieve greater sustainability of rural water services?

Itad has been contracted by Hivos, IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre to investigate information and communication...


Culture & Development Evaluation Toolkit

Itad developed a Monitoring & Evaluation Framework to begin measuring the British Councils' Culture & Development Strategy.