More than 3 billion people live in poverty globally, and the majority are dependent on agriculture for food and nutrition security. Even though agriculture remains a vital economic driver for many low- and middle-income countries, many fail to produce enough to feed their own, and the growing global, population.
Agriculture is key to human development – not only as a source of food but also for jobs and markets. From farmer productivity to regional markets, and in-country policy to climate change resilience, in order to achieve sustainability, we need to understand agricultural systems from the grassroots to the global level.
Our work generates learning on how to move towards inclusive agricultural transformation, and we share knowledge on how governments can monitor their progress towards SDGs relating to agriculture and food security. Our MEL services help our partners to understand what works and where, for learning, accountability and decision-making, and to ultimately ensure sustainable agricultural development across all levels of society.
AVANTI – advancing knowledge for agricultural impact
National governments in the fields of agriculture and rural development across many low- and middle-income countries face...
Mid-Term evaluation of the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa’s 2017-2021 strategy
The African continent faces myriad challenges in achieving food and nutrition security for its growing population. These...
Evaluation of DFID’s FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Programme
Multiple market failures affect trade in staple foods in East and Southern Africa. We provided evidence of what interventions...
Gatsby Africa: Strategic Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Partnership
Our learning partnership with Gatsby Africa aims to strengthen their ability to learn, adapt and make better programming...
Trends in national capacities to generate and utilise data
The case of Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme. Emerging trends in national capacities to measure...
Evaluation of the World Food Programme Gender Policy (2015-2020)
The WFP (World Food Programme) Gender Policy (2015-2020) was approved in May 2015. The evaluation provides evidence, analysis...
Samarth-NMDP Programme Final Evaluation Report
This is the final evaluation report of the UK Department for International Development (DFID)- funded evaluation of the...
Final Evaluation Report: FoodTrade East and Southern Africa
The FTESA report is now live on our website. Check out the five-year regional programme, that supported food staples market...
Blogs and news
Supporting climate justice through collaborative learning
Our work with Porticus is highlighting the value of collaborative learning to shape climate justice initiatives more...
User guide for remote and blended working
After a year adapting to the new normal, AVANTI has published a manual on remote and blended working.
AVANTI in 2020: Adapting to the new normal
In 2020, AVANTI had to adapt to the new normal like many other projects that previously relied on international travel. The...
How has COVID-19 affected data quality in the agriculture sector? Highlights on a recent e-Panel
An e-Panel, co-hosted by AVANTI and EvalForward, set out to explore this question. Our panellists, Armand Zoa, Joas Tugizimana...