Agriculture – Publications
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Showing 17 - 20 of 20 results
Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.2: Did it overcome the poverty trap?
This Briefing Paper is the second in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...
Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No. 9: How is it being sustained?
This Briefing Paper is the ninth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...
Impact Evaluation of the SADA Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana Annex C: Endline Reality Check Approach
The endline Reality Check Approach (RCA) was conducted as the last of the monitoring and evaluation elements of the...
FoodTrade East and Southern Africa: Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report
During Q3 2016, the Evaluation Management Unit (EMU), managed by Itad UK, undertook the independent Mid-term Evaluation (MTE)...