Climate change and natural resources
The evaluation and learning work we do to understand climate change, natural resources and resilience helps our partners to use evidence-based findings to make decisions which lead to informed investments and actionable change towards a low carbon, climate-resilient future.
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2018-19 Global leap off-grid cold chain challenge
The Global LEAP Off-Grid Cold Chain Challenge (OGCCC) was launched in August 2018 as part of the Ideas to Impact programme to...
The sanitation challenge for Ghana: Making urban sanitation a political priority – Summary
This summary describes what I2I learned about the value of using prizes to influence the policy environment for liquid waste...
The sanitation challenge for Ghana: Making urban sanitation a political priority – Brief
The Sanitation Challenge for Ghana was a competition that ran in Ghana between 2015 and 2019 to encourage local governments...
Sanitation challenge for Ghana Dignified City Award (Stage 2) – Final evaluation report
This summary describes what I2I learned about the value of using prizes to influence the policy environment for liquid waste...
New GRP reports on learning from failure and scaling innovations published
Learning from failure and scaling resilience innovations are the focus of two new case study reports sharing learning and...
An incubator approach to scaling effective resilience solutions
The Global Resilience Partnership has supported three challenge rounds to surface innovative resilience solutions, and has...
Learning from failure to accelerate success in resilience-building initiatives
The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) is a partnership of public and private organisations joining forces towards a...
Continuing results in development:
the importance of evidence during COVID-19
The COVID-19 (C19) pandemic has had profound effects on lives around the world and will continue to do so for years, if not...
2016-17 global leap off-grid refrigerator competition (round 1) – Follow-up review
The 2016-17 Global LEAP Off-Grid Refrigerator Competition (Round 1) aimed to transform the global market for off-grid...
Evaluation of the Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel Programme
Poor and vulnerable people face increased shocks and stresses to their livelihoods. These can be global, such as financial...
Measurement and evaluation framework for the Estée Lauder Companies’ philanthropic partnerships
The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) funds a range of philanthropic programmes globally to improve the wellbeing of people and...
Framework for transformational change published as learning brief
The framework developed by the team of evaluators working on the Transformational Change in the Climate Investment Funds has...
Signals of Transformational Change
This brief presents the framework developed by the Itad team to assess transformational change based on insights from the...
Summary Brief of Learning Review of the Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the Forest Investment Program (FIP)
This is a short summary brief based on the Learning Review. It highlights the outcomes of the DGM for IPLCs and other...
Three fieldwork tips for junior evaluators
Perhaps it goes without saying but you should know as much as possible about the project, the context and the stakeholders...
Ideas to Impact – Adaptation at Scale: Final Evaluation Report
The Adaptation at Scale (A@S) Prize sought to promote innovative approaches to scaling up and out climate change adaptation...