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Climate change and natural resources

The evaluation and learning work we do to understand climate change, natural resources and resilience helps our partners to use evidence-based findings to make decisions which lead to informed investments and actionable change towards a low carbon, climate-resilient future.

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Showing 97 - 112 of 174 results
Knowledge product

Building resilience in the humanitarian-development nexus: The Community Flood Resilience Project, Kakuma, Kenya

This case study is for a broad audience of practitioners and decision-makers working in the resilience area. It explores how...


Reflections on decentralised climate finance from CBA13

I recently witnessed the potential of a funding mechanism that allows indigenous people and local communities to determine how...


Strategic Evaluation of WFP Support for Enhanced Resilience

Itad's strategic evaluation provides a formative and forward-looking assessment of WFP’s support for enhanced resilience....


Evaluating transformational change in global programmes that tackle climate change

In this Itad blog, partner Sam McPherson reflects on his trip to the Noor Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power Plant for CIF's...


Evaluation of Transformational Change in the Climate Investment Funds

This report provides the results of an independent evaluation of the transformational change that has been supported by the...


Monitoring and evaluation of the Sustainable Urban Economic Development (SUED) programme

Itad has been appointed to deliver the monitoring, evaluation and learning component of SUED to support programme learning and...


Tracking and measuring resilience in large programmes: lessons from BRACED

This paper shares insights on designing and implementing monitoring, evaluation and learning systems as well as generating...


Is my social protection programme ‘shock-responsive’ or ‘adaptive’?

What is adaptive social protection? How does it differ from shock responsive social protection? Why does it matter? These were...


Five key principles for Adaptive Social Protection programming

‘Adaptive Social Protection’ (ASP) came from a realisation that social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate...


Evaluating the results of BRACED projects in Ethiopia, Myanmar and Niger

The three-year, £110 million UK Department for International Development (DFID)-funded Building Resilience and Adaptation to...


The market-based approach to resilience in Ethiopia: qualitative evidence from South Omo

Participatory discussion with two pastoralist communities in South Omo and key informant interviews with project staff and...


Resilience Results: BRACED final evaluation report

This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the...


Summary: Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED final year

Building Resilience to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) is the biggest global effort to build resilience locally, in...


Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED final year

After three years of implementation, this paper presents a synthesis of the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate...


The Collaborative Urban Resilience Exchange: lessons on informal settlement data and partnership building

The Collaborative Urban Resilience Exchange took place in Cape Town, from 16–18th July 2018, as part of a collaboration...


The Second Phase of Providing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support to the Global Resilience Partnership

Since 2016, Itad has supported the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) as a learning partner to help ensure it reaches its...