Climate change and natural resources – Blogs and news
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Itad’s Realist Evaluation week – Three Lessons from the BRACED session
Dave Wilson reflects on three key lessons the BRACED evaluation team learnt with Gill Westhorp during Itad's Realist...
Capacity Development 2 – Are You Digitally Competent?
In the latest of our blogs on Capacity Development 2 (CD2), Euphoric Services' Pete Cranston asks the question - are you...
Viewing Capacity Development through Four Dimensions of Change
In the previous blog I discussed how systems perspectives and complexity make us view capacity development differently. This...
How systems perspectives make us view capacity development differently
How systems perspectives make us view capacity development differently
Capacity development: how should we reframe it for the digital age?
What's the latest thinking on capacity development? Do social media and new digital tools play a key role? Read about Itad's...