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Gender and social inclusion

We design gender-sensitive and inclusive monitoring systems which include scope for understanding value for money and cost-effectiveness and work to implement monitoring and evaluation approaches that unpack discriminatory social and gender norms.

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Showing 49 - 64 of 127 results

Independent Evaluation of the UNICEF Ethiopia, Adolescent Nutrition Wash Education Joint Programme

Across the world, it is now recognised that adolescence is an important second window of opportunity for physical and...


Evaluation of Girls’ Education Portfolio

Dubai Cares is a UAE-based global philanthropic organisation which aims to provide children in developing countries with...


Positioning GAGE evidence on masculinities

This brief summarises research undertaken to determine the range of key players and policy opportunities in engaging men and...


Evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan

Itad is evaluating the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for Bangladesh between 2016 and 2020,...


Women’s Integrated Sexual Health Programme (WISH) Third Party Monitoring

Itad, together with OPM, has been selected by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to lead on evidence...


Corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to governance and national planning

This evaluation, planned under UN Women’s corporate evaluation plan1, focuses on UN Women’s contribution to Governance and...


In brief: Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to governance and national planning

This evaluation, planned under UN Women’s corporate evaluation plan1, focuses on UN Women’s contribution to Governance and...


Evaluation of Gavi’s Gender Policy

This report presents the findings from the evaluation of Gavi’s 2013 Gender Policy. The evaluation was conducted by Itad in...


Evaluation of the Gavi Alliance’s Gender Policy (2014-2018)

The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, aimed to reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the global under-five mortality...


Changing gender norms at scale: Results and evidence of what works from Voices for Change in Nigeria

Recently, there’s been an increasing interest in the role of social norms in shaping people’s aspirations and promoting...


Engaging adolescent girls in governance processes: lessons from Northern Nigeria

Itad conducted an independent impact evaluation of the DFID-funded Mobilising for Development (M4D) programme, which aimed to...


Can football tackle violence against women and girls?

Over the years, there has been steadily growing interest in the idea that sport can make a difference in development, beyond...


Final report: Evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football programme

Itad was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football programme.


Final report annexes: Evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football Programme

Itad was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football...


Monitoring tools from the Kenya Timz programme

This document compiles several monitoring tools designed for the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Sport...


Costing the impacts of violence against women: six potential pitfalls

David Walker explores six regular pitfalls that are encountered in building a costings study, and how to address them in this...