Gender and social inclusion – Blogs and news
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Itad at EES: Five takeaways from inside the QCA bubble
Florian Schatz reflects on the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) sessions at this year's European Evaluation Society...
Measuring social norm change: where do we go from here?
In June 2016, I had the pleasure of joining a select group of social norm measurement aficionados, including researchers from...
Itad’s Gender Snapshot Review: charting the way forward for mainstreaming gender within our work and operations
Since joining the HeforShe campaign, Itad has reviewed how gender currently features in our work through a ‘gender snapshot...
Evaluating complex change across projects and contexts: Methodological lessons from a macro evaluation of DFID’s social accountability portfolio
Itad's Florian Schatz details methodological lessons from a macro evaluation of DFID's social accountability portfolio and the...
Strengthening the enabling environment for young women’s empowerment in Nigeria: unpacking Voices for Change vision of change
On International Women’s Day, Claire Hughes, who leads Itad’s work on gender, reflects on the Voices for Change pathway to...
Aligning methods to inspire and monitor change
Kate Hale reflects on our work with Tostan, and how aligning methods can work to monitor change, after International Day of...
Gender Equality: what’s in it for men?
Itad's Julia Hamaus reflects on V4C's 'Being a Man in Nigeria: Perceptions and Realities' launch in London, and men's...
A Ridiculously Short Introduction to Monitoring & Evaluation for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Market Systems Development*
Itad's Jessica Rust-Smith explores how to evaluate women's economic empowerment within a market systems programme.
International Women’s Day and Measuring Social Norms
Inspired by International Women's Day, Itad's Julian Barr has reflected on his work with the Voices for Change project in Nigeria.
Beyond 2015: Pathways to a Gender Just World
Itad's Claire Hughes and Emily Richardson blog on the ‘Pathways to a Gender Just World’ conference, hosted by IDS.
Itad begins work on an evaluation of EC Support to gender equality and women’s empowerment in partner countries
Itad is leading an evaluation of EU support to gender equality and women's empowerment globally.
DFID Minister launches new programme for Girls and Women in Nigeria
International Development Minister Lynne Featherstone was in Abuja and Kano last week. While there, she announced...