We work to strengthen health systems and global health security, including the fight against global pandemics and to eliminate neglected tropical diseases. We work with global health organisations as a partner and critical friend, so that they can improve their impact and outcomes of their programmes.
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From compliance to love with MEL: Supporting busy advocacy organisations to embrace monitoring, evaluation and learning
Over the course of our work with advocacy organisations, we’ve identified three insights about how to cross the divide from...
A360 MTR Spotlight 1: Lessons from evaluating A360
This brief draws out lessons from the A360 Mid-Term Review, on evaluating a program developed through human-centred design.
A360 MTR Spotlight 2: The A360 experience of Human Centered Design
Adolescents 360 (A360) is a four-year, $30 million initiative (2016 – 2020) to increase adolescent girls’ access to and...
A360 MTR Spotlight 3: Meaningful Youth Engagement
This brief draws out lessons from the Mid-Term Review on the role of youth engagement in A360. Despite attempts to standardize...
A360 MTR Spotlight 4: Service providers – the battle to serve
This brief draws out lessons from the Mid-Term Review on the challenges service providers face in delivering quality...
Midterm Review of the Adolescents 360 Program
This midterm review synthesizes evaluation findings from the design phase of A360, drawing together insights from an ongoing...
A360 Evaluation Mid-Term Review Summary
This is a visual summary of the Midterm Review of the Adolescents 360 Program, which draws together insights from an ongoing...
Evaluation of Gavi’s Gender Policy
This report presents the findings from the evaluation of Gavi’s 2013 Gender Policy. The evaluation was conducted by Itad in...
No time to wait: evaluating the fight against ‘Drugmageddon’
This week, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, called for an Extinction Rebellion-style campaign to raise...
Portfolio evaluation of advocates working in the global health research and development space
Research and development for global health is a broad sphere of activities that addresses some of the most neglected areas of...
Adolescents 360 Evaluation: What do service providers think about contraceptive service provision to 15–19 year old girls in Nigeria?
What are service providers’ perspectives of contraceptive service provision to adolescent girls in Nigeria? Using a...
Evaluation of the Gavi Alliance’s Gender Policy (2014-2018)
The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, aimed to reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the global under-five mortality...
Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Civil Society Organisations
This report presents the main findings from an evaluation of Gavi’s support to CSOs (civil society organisations) during the...
Adolescents 360 Evaluation: How might we better meet the needs of adolescent couples with contraceptive counselling and services through Ethiopia’s Health Extension Program?
Itad is working in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Avenir Health to independently...
Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Endline Report
This report presents the findings of the third and final (endline) round of qualitative fieldwork for the evaluation of the...
Scaling up Nutrition in Pakistan (SNIP)
DFID is contributing £68 million of support to nutrition interventions in Pakistan, focusing investment on improving...