Impact investment and finance – Projects
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Protecting oceans and securing futures for coastal communities
We are strengthening the delivery of the UK Government's international efforts to protect the marine environment and reduce...
Evaluating social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya
We are evaluating the Yunus Social Business Model to promote social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya, as contracted by the...
Evaluating Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact in Ethiopia
We are carrying out an impact evaluation of the french Development Agency's Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact...
Providing MEL support to the UK government’s Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme
Itad is the monitoring, evaluation and learning partner to The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme...
Independent evaluation of the development impact of the Private Infrastructure Development Group
The Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) is an infrastructure development and finance organisation that encourages...
Evaluation of the development impact of British International Investment’s infrastructure portfolio
In developing and emerging markets, investments in infrastructure, such as renewable energy, roads, ports and telecoms, can...
Learning Partner for the Financial Sector Deepening Trust, Tanzania
The Financial Sector Deepening Trust in Tanzania (FSDT) adopts a market development approach towards addressing systemic...
Evaluation of the Dutch Development Finance Institution – FMO
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are government-backed institutions that invest returnable capital into the private...
Evaluation of Transformational Change in Climate Investment Funds
The concept of transformational change has attracted significant attention as a way to create the profound shifts needed to...
Impact Strategy Audit for Nesta Impact Investments
Nesta Impact Investments provides finance to innovative, high-growth businesses that address major social problems within...
Evaluation of Impact Hub’s Latin America Scaling Programme
Impact Hub is a global network of entrepreneurial communities, places, and programs that inspire, connect and catalyze impact....
Evaluation of Alterna’s direct support to ventures
Alterna has over seven years of experience creating their own social ventures from the ideation stage, as well as cultivating...
Evaluation of GrowthAfrica’s support to ventures in East Africa
GrowthAfrica was formed in 2002 with the aim of seeing economic growth and social transformation accelerated through...
Intellecap’s direct support to ventures in East Africa
Intellecap was founded in India in 2002 and combines advisory services, capital and networks, providing early stage impact...
Evaluation of Enclude’s Variable Payment Obligation (VPO) Programme
Enclude is an advisory firm dedicated to building more sustainable small growth businesses (SGBs) and institutions by offering...
Assessment of Co-op/One Foundation WASH projects
Itad were asked by Co-op to undertake an independent social impact assessment of Co-op’s partnership with The One...