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Markets, business and supply chains

We work with companies, corporate foundations, investors and donors to accelerate progress in these areas and more. We develop impact strategies, identify baseline needs and evaluate what works and why to help expand economic opportunity and improve lives.

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Showing 65 - 80 of 127 results

BEAM Monitoring Guidance

The BEAM Monitoring Guidance aims to provide an introduction to current thinking and practice in monitoring for programmes...


The impact of programmes that use market systems approaches

Market systems approaches have now been used in a wide range of countries and contexts to promote growth in jobs and income,...


RAP Beneficiaries’ Feedback Report 2017

To date, there have been several studies conducted by the independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component of...


Itad’s 4 top takeaways from the SEEP Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum

Mollie Liesner blogs on her top 4 takeaways from the SEEP Women's Economic Empowerment Forum in Bangkok.


Causality and attribution in market systems development

Attribution is the establishment of a causal link between (parts of) an observed change and a specific intervention....


Impact Evaluation of the Samarth Market Development Programme in Nepal

Despite economic growth, remittances from abroad and significant donor support, poverty and inequality remain high in Nepal,...


Dynamic monitoring and results: How the Propcom Mai-Karfi project designed and implemented an adaptive measurement system

Itad is leading the monitoring and evaluation spoke for BEAM Exchange, which aims to build the credibility of the market...


FoodTrade East and Southern Africa: Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report

During Q3 2016, the Evaluation Management Unit (EMU), managed by Itad UK, undertook the independent Mid-term Evaluation (MTE)...

Christopher Smith

Director of Commercial Operations

Christopher Smith heads Itad’s Project Management Unit. He has a background in water and environmental management.

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James Robinson

Associate Partner

James Robinson is an experienced consultant and advisor with expertise in markets, business and supply chains, impact...


Let’s get practical: how to overcome monitoring challenges

Contribute to learning and innovation in the wider market systems community by sharing your practical stories on measuring...


Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP3) – Midline Impact Assessment Report 2016

This midline report presents the findings from a panel survey of 3,600 households (HH) in eight districts in the Mid and Far...


Five lessons from the ODI Parliamentary Reception on Women’s Economic Empowerment

There is a possibility that by the end of 2016, three of the world’s largest economies (USA, UK, and Germany) will have a...


Webinar on measuring VfM in BER Programmes

In September 2016, we convened our first webinar for the Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF) to share lessons learnt...


Nepal Rural Access Programme – Reality Check Approach Midline Report 2016

This report presents the main findings of the Midline Reality Check Approach (RCA) study conducted in April 2016, two years...


Independent verification of RAP 3 Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLI)

The MEL-led independent verification of RAP3 has been initiated following recommendations from the 2015 DFID Annual Review....