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Policy and advocacy – Projects

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Showing 17 - 31 of 31 results

Portfolio evaluation of advocacy efforts in development policy and finance

Aid budgets should be able to respond to emerging challenges. Donors should be supporting developing countries towards the...


Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Civil Society Organisations

The Gavi Alliance is a unique organisation that aligns public and private resources in a global effort to create greater...


Global Fund Advocacy Portfolio MLE capacity support

Monitoring, evaluation and learning can feel cumbersome to anyone – but especially to advocacy organisations who...


Evaluation of The Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management

There is a clear political commitment to measuring and managing for results in the Norwegian aid administration. Despite this...


Impact Evaluation of the Samarth Market Development Programme in Nepal

Despite economic growth, remittances from abroad and significant donor support, poverty and inequality remain high in Nepal,...


External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM

External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint...


The Quality of Reviews and Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation

With growing demand for evidence on the effectiveness of Norwegian aid, reviews and decentralised evaluations play an...


External Review of the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA)

The Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) is a World Bank Group study collecting unique data on the regulations that...


HMG Climate Change Compass: evaluating the UK’s International Climate Fund (ICF)

As climate change continues to create new and complex challenges, more agile approaches to development and environmental...


Evaluation of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation’s (CIFF) Contribution to the 2015 International Climate Negotiations

Itad was commissioned by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) to lead the Evaluation of CIFF’s Contribution to...


Evaluation of Support to Capacity Development

Itad is leading an evaluation into Norwegian support to capacity development in developing countries


Monitoring education sector performance for Sida Cambodia

Itad is working with Sida to monitor education sector performance in Cambodia and to provide technical advice which...


Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration’s systems and practices to ensure Evaluability of Norwegian Grants

Itad, in partnership with Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI), provided a 4-people team with experience in designing and...


AusAID, 2013 Review of Operational Evaluations

For this 6-month assignment Itad assembled a small team of 3 consultants with skills in in meta-evaluations and evaluation...


Evaluation of DFID’s FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Programme

Multiple market failures affect trade in staple foods in East and Southern Africa. We provided evidence of what interventions...