Poverty and livelihoods – Publications
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Private Capital Mobilisation: Concepts and Definitions
By establishing a common vocabulary this publication aims to support a more coordinated approach by Development Finance...
Evaluating the impact of a hydroelectric power investment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
This report explores the impact of British International Investment's (BIIs) funding in Virunga Energies’ hydroelectric...
Drivers of impact in research and innovation for development
Our Global Challenges Research (GCFR) evaluation survey highlights four important drivers of impact in research and innovation...
Promoting impact in research and innovation
How can management structures and implementation processes increase innovation and impact for development? Download the...
Evidence review: Savings and financial health
Examining the evidence between informal and formal savings and key financial health indicators.
Framing brief – Impact evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintergration in the Horn of Africa region
This framing brief outlines the rationale and challenges of conducting a study of this kind, as well as the proposed...
Savings and climate resilience – A review of successes and challenges in current programming
Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and the impacts disproportionately affect people living in poverty.
Evaluation of Bangladesh WFP Country Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019
This evaluation was commissioned to provide evaluative evidence for accountability and learning to inform the design of the...
Methodological report – Impact Evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa region
Large-scale global migration is a growing reality for people across the globe, with 258 million international migrants...
A learning-focused assessment of experiences in collecting poverty and disability measures through client exit interviews
Collecting data from service users on personal issues related to reproductive health, living conditions and abilities is...
UNHCR Country Portfolio Evaluation: Angola (2016-2019)
This report relates to an independent evaluation of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) country operation...
Development of key performance indicators – Final Report
BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) spends part of the overseas aid budget on research and...
Research for Development indicators: A review of funder practice
The Newton Fund and the GCRF are managed by BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) to promote research...
Evaluation of the World Food Programme Gender Policy (2015-2020)
The WFP (World Food Programme) Gender Policy (2015-2020) was approved in May 2015. The evaluation provides evidence, analysis...
Mugu-Humla Link Road Household Baseline Survey (2019)
This report provides the results of two rounds of household surveys conducted between May and July 2019 that together provide...
Nepal Rural Access Programme – CONNECT Component Review
CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest-standing and largest...